> chemistry > clock-or-oscillatory-reactions > belousov-zhabotinsky-oscillating-reaction-nilered

Recreating one of the weirdest reactions

NileRed - 2018-07-16

***Reuploaded because I used a clip of BBC footage in the intro and it was automatically flagged by the system and demonetized.


About a year ago, I saw one of the weirdest reactions that I've ever seen. It was called the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction and it's one of the few good examples of an oscillating chemical reaction. I decided to try and do it myself, and this video summarizes the process that I used.

*At the 5min mark, I say 1.5g phenanthroline monohydrate, but 5g is written. It is indeed 1.5g though.

Intro footage: https://youtu.be/PpyKSRo8Iec

Mechanism reference: https://goo.gl/iiHPsK
Procedure taken from: https://goo.gl/tVkEMv

I have also covered another type of oscillating reaction: https://youtu.be/SCoLMfplVWs


Merch store (NileRed Pin & Stickers): https://store.dftba.com/collections/nilered

NileRed website (Glassware & Beaker Mugs): https://nile.red

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nilered
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nile.red
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NileRed2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NileRed2
Discord: https://discord.gg/3BT6UHf

Music in credits (Walker by SORRYSINES): https://soundcloud.com/sorrysines/walker

oriana garrido - 2019-05-29

FBI: Why are you getting weird chemicals from the internet?
NileRed: I wanted to see blue rings

Andreas Roefaro - 2020-02-09

oriana garrido 5.4k like

Masterzoroark 666 - 2020-03-16

@a filthy lizard person yeah, crystal math, quite hard

Masterzoroark 666 - 2020-03-16

@Zionne Makoma that's how alibi gets formed

a filthy lizard person - 2020-03-16

@Masterzoroark 666 I don't know if that you responding to the jokes or you not getting the joke I am responding you would Point Blank

Anthony - 2020-03-20

h e j u s t w a n t s s o m e D R U G

Mr Chittychad - 2019-03-10

Thats some funky looking meth you cooked there.

Max Power - 2020-02-17


TwiZ Faded - 2020-02-18

Antinym 7 7 breaking bad

Osama bin laden - 2020-02-22

96.98% pure

Persistent Gaming - 2020-02-23


Prns 666 - 2020-02-24


Arial Black - 2019-10-05

nile: smart person words
me: ooga booga look cool

Edd VCR - 2019-12-29

Me: * honk snort * COLORS MOVE

True - LtrS 壊れた {LDR} - 2020-01-26

That comment made me and my brain cells disintegrate

Valian G - 2020-02-06

Arial Black me xD

MonoTrom - 2019-05-06

Commentator: talking chemistry

Me: “oh pretty crystals!”

trashmouth tozier - 2020-02-07

ngl i wasnt expecting to run into someone with a mysmes profile pic in the comment section of a random chemistry video

Someone With No Life - 2020-02-09

This guy would definitely get along with Seven lol

Egg Salad - 2020-03-17

I actually thought it’s agate lmao

Toby Tomlinson - 2018-12-02

When you rub your eyes to hard

col0000 smith - 2019-12-17

@Jenga No

Jenga - 2019-12-17

@col0000 smith how so?

Trffgfy Hygvgyg6 - 2019-12-25

*EATS ASS*. Noice

ItzGamingChimp - 2020-01-09

Gia Lopez Who cares?

Shiki * - 2020-01-09

I just need to close my eyes.

Ekstremedia - 2019-03-16

Nice video bro, BrO² and BrO³

Ulas Onal - 2019-10-16

@German Rumm lol

Mim F - 2020-01-07

as of me replying we'll have 777 likes and 7 replies

BTS Lover - 2020-02-28

@German Rumm After friend zone , comes the worse , brozone .....

Wiwaxia Silver - 2020-03-18

You have entered the bromodomain

Anthony - 2020-03-20

im the hole in the brozone layer

Karn - 2019-12-08

"I hOpE iT wAsN't ToO cOnFuSiNg"
I didn't know 80% of the words you used.

Rigiroony - 2020-02-12

I was about to comment this

James Schnelbach - 2020-02-25

He said that, and my first thought was just a simple "This is why I'm failing Chemistry" ;-;

Jeremiah Smith - 2020-02-28


Levi Dormaier - 2019-03-15

I've learned more from this channel than my actual chemistry class

Hyaki Overwatch - 2020-01-18

christopher pearce nonono what you don’t understand is why these reactions take place in the first place. It’s impossible to memorize every reaction but if you know the general rules, you can predict a lot more than you think

BlackBirdGaming - 2020-01-18

Hyaki Overwatch exactly this would help you at all in a sense of actually learning this is just what some reactions would happen. For example I don’t need to know the math behind virtual particles but I can understand the concept as I am familiar with abstract math. So I can’t fully understand the math but I can understand the overall concept. It’s better to know the ins and outs than just the outs.

Calum Foster - 2020-02-07

Lol you need a new chemistry teacher then. Yes nile.red is very smart and good at chemistry but his videos hardly teach you about the actual chemistry going on just explains the basic steps and.reactions. Not nearly enough info to actual recreate his experiments

BlackBirdGaming - 2020-02-07

Calum Foster thank you it’s a brief over view

Pryvate Ryan - 2020-02-25

Have you though?

Joshua Phillips - 2020-01-03

Next episode: "injecting ferroin into my veins"

Q- Ball - 2019-03-08

A reaction so weird you made it your profile picture

prostě Deni - 2019-04-14

I mean, he IS weird considering his "totally unused anal lubricant" and "appetising piss foam" lol

Creeper? Aw man. - 2019-08-05

"How to use a stapler"

Ajpwpaws Aj - 2019-08-30

Q- Ball it’s at 999 likes should I like.

Pali33 - 2020-01-23

No it made itself his profile picture

MegaKrunkus4kHD - 2020-03-01

@prostě Deni Wait WHAT?

spicy chicken nuggies - 2019-09-29

13:00 when you have an iron deficiency and stand up too fast.

a bowl - 2019-11-19

Never happened to me tbh

wubbels - 2019-11-19

a bowl who cares tf

spicy chicken nuggies - 2019-11-19

@a bowl ok?

Asher The Prophet - 2019-11-30

Love just standing up and than flying into a new dimension :-)

LiveFlame - 2020-02-05

That happened to me many times now

Adrian Borinsky - 2019-06-17

My non-scientist brain is like : "oh he made a lava-lamp"

Jared Maddox - 2019-10-30

You'd have to keep inserting new fluid, so not a very good one.

Unless someone knows how to just refresh it electrically...

Mika - 2020-02-24

2d lava lamp

Caomore - 2019-07-13

I love how he pronounced the name of the reaction almost correctly. As a Slav, I approve.

Opalescence MoonLight - 2020-01-02

This reaction was originally done by a Slav?

Terrus Ciekawostki - 2020-01-06

Yup, this reaction was probably done by Russians, and NileRed actually pronounced its name pretty nice, as a Pole, I approve.

Christopher White - 2019-03-22

Yeah okay what happens when you apply a electrical current to the solution.

ItsmΞNT - 2020-02-19

@Marcia Osullivan Oh man , im sorry to do this , and by doing it i will probably calify into the sub , but , r/ihavereddit

Marcia Osullivan - 2020-02-20

Hydrogen and oxygen and bromine gas will be released obviously as Na>H and Br>O2 O2>BrO3

CMDR Jack Spacecat - 2020-03-15

@Rawhide Lamp upvotes are everywhere, not just on reddit.
Also: r/stoplinkingtoredditwhenyourenotonreddit

Rawhide Lamp - 2020-03-15

@CMDR Jack Spacecat Im sorry, do you not know how to process emotion in text?

Literally everyone except for you has found this amusing and has gotten over it so go join r/amitheasshole and you'll find your answer to be yes across the board

Macho Moist - 2019-06-03

dawg, you made Baja Blast crystals, that's dope

Matthew Kohmann - 2019-11-26

Macho Moist i, for some reason, now have the urge to bite one...

yeeter eeater - 2019-12-15

@Matthew Kohmann same

Anthony - 2020-03-20

i t ' s j u s t s o m e C R Y S T A L M E T H , o f f i c e r .

G Suttles - 2019-03-10

Walter White has entered the chat

sk8 straight dead - 2019-06-09

IM DYING your amazing

Velho Joel - 2019-06-12

Heisenberg ended the chat.

Shadow747 - 2019-07-14

@sk8 straight dead no u

sally - 2019-08-23


Keyzor - 2020-01-07

Most people: Ah yes. Science
The rest of us: Science looks kinda tasty

Crystal S-R - 2020-03-10

As a future scientist, i struggle with this in lab. Sone reactions smell nice, others look like gatorade and calmagite solutiin looks like agua de jamaica

Lillith 'yuki uta' Crow - 2020-03-16

@Crystal S-R I'd take a stab and say pyrotechnics people and chemists have a similar amount of "ooooooo pretty 😲" moments

Crystal S-R - 2020-03-16

@Lillith 'yuki uta' Crow oh god. How many times have i burned myself because of oooh pretty

Lillith 'yuki uta' Crow - 2020-03-16

@Crystal S-R yeah working with digital art goes something like this sometimes "what does this do??? click AAAAA MY EYES" whereas leather work goes "*BANG BANG BA* OW FUCK!!!!* 😅

Fortnite died from sniper changes - 2019-10-26

10:52 "I hope that was a decent explanation, and it wasn't too confusing"

Me looking at the chemicals on the right : Ooooookay i'm gonna go back to the cool colours now.

Quinton Craig - 2019-03-06

Sodium bromate & Sodium bromide.
My salty chemical bromance.

Aimee Grober - 2020-01-14

@Ethan C. I agree

Janneth Molina - 2020-01-21


Gaming Channel - 2020-01-22

*g note*

Quinton Craig - 2020-02-10

@Gaming Channel
When I was!

Quinton Craig - 2020-02-10

@Aimee Grober
The feeling is mutual.

Dillon Felts - 2019-12-04

13:04 is a visual representation of what your legs feel like when you're on the toilet for too long

idiot - 2019-06-10

3:46 The forbidden snowcone

Sample Text - 2019-03-29

"I hope that wasn't too confusing"

Me: yeah sure I totally got all of that stuff and more stuff that I didn't get at all

Drum Gamer - 2019-10-02

New drinking game. Take a shot of hard liquor every time he says Bro.

Nutmeg Gaming - 2019-12-25

That sounds like a quick way to die

Andrew Bowman - 2020-01-09

@Nutmeg Gaming replace shot for a bowl hit and we're good

dnnsqe - 2019-10-02

How many coffee filters do you need?

- Yes

First name guy - 2019-12-21

D i s t i l l e d w a t e r

Han Gyo Jin - 2019-11-16

5:48 "it mostly the bromate that matters"
Well said bro

Ironbolt - 2019-06-06

"How to make a portal"

Aimee Grober - 2019-12-03


Aimee Grober - 2019-12-03

Ever play Dishonored?
It implies that Pierro Joplin invented the Portal and.......Nile kiiiiiinda looks a lot like a very young Pierro. I'm just saying.

Crystal Marie - 2019-10-27

"I didn't need barely any of it, but I went all out and got 5lbs of this stuff that I might not ever use again for a long time if ever"

梟akira - 2018-10-02


Lil Imbecile - 2019-06-15

@Talking Hat Studios L

Au ser - 2019-06-17


John Apple - 2019-07-12

@Talking Hat Studios many months later, this man is still recovering from that burn

Aya Cook - 2019-07-21

Same here I don't understand, but I know science is cool

RainBowFlowerPower - 2019-11-08

Like during my classes, I only know so much that I could keep up

Chris Sa - 2019-03-10

4:16 Heisenberg wants to know your location

Elo. Chan - 2019-10-02

NileRed : explains some chemistery stuff
Me, an intellectual : ooooh pretty colours

Dat Boi - 2019-10-01

3:27 that looks like very real meth

Neil Pun - 2020-01-05

Dat Boi lol meth is actually white

Mac Frost - 2020-01-19

Smoke it I dare you.

Vanshaj Rai - 2020-01-26

*Breaking Bad Meth

Lulu McCoolio - 2019-05-30

I dont understand most of your content, but your voice is good background noise and theyre nice to watch when im bored :)

Carlitos Bautista - 2019-10-29

no one:
Persona 5 when you enter the metaverse:

TigerFlims - 2019-08-23

Reminded me of Chemistry I was extremely intrigued yet I had no clue what was going on.

Laurence Dixon - 2019-06-02

With all the chemicals this man buys on ebay, I bet the FBI or his countries equivalent have him on watch.
If not, I've gotta wonder why not.

Travis Cesarone - 2019-06-03

Canada doesn't actually, it's beautiful :).

flying horse - 2019-05-28

You : it's an oscillating chemical reaction
Me : WOW pretty collors !

EdwardHowton - 2018-08-15

No, officer, I said I want to buy FERROIN!

SuperGarryGamer - 2018-10-20

Did you type Feferoni?

The Dankest Of Them All - 2018-10-22

Lol I thought he said heroine

Nomad Sage - 2018-11-30

@dolphin534 cause

Dakota Wallace - 2018-12-02


Art Deco city Architecture - 2019-03-22

EdwardHowton *gets higher charge placed on him

Łukasz Mariański - 2019-08-20

I wonder does the surface of the liquid itself ripple or move at all?

Tommy O'Brien - 2019-03-10

This channel is awesome. It’s just pure chemistry. You deserve way more subs my dude

da real rulezbreaker - 2019-03-10

Why did that thumbnail remind me of Spore?

Monnalyth - 2019-03-26

I know, right?

Edin743 - 2019-08-12

Spore is a trippy game.

Drew - 2019-10-08

“It was still WAY more than I needed...” -Nile every time he home brews anything

DannyDaDuffyDucking Daffer - 2019-07-31

The #1 effect of me watching still was me panicking to make sure I passed Chemistry even though I already checked and knew I did

Alexander Kelly - 2019-07-29

4:13 - 4:44 “We used a different chemical process, but it is every bit as pure”

priyank tamilsekaran - 2019-07-19

I came to know about this reaction when I was learning energy and information, the feedback loop is the cause of randomnes of the blue rings you can know how it will look but you can't be exact of it, this is how AI thought to work

もしT • 9 Years ago - 2019-08-15

The thumbnail looks like terracota in minecraft

Joe the Wolf - 2019-10-05

9:20 I'm just hearing bro at this point.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - 2019-03-10

3:43 looks like one of those slushies that you'd beg mom to buy you

Paul Vanukoff - 2019-10-04

I had a screensaver in the 90's that looked almost just like that.

Olly VanNess - 2019-03-12

Every single trial was amazing

Why do you keep reading my name? - 2019-03-06

I've never heard the word bro said so many times..

"Bro, you got the acid bro?"
"Yeah bro"

Quinton Craig - 2019-03-06

Sodium bromate & Sodium bromide.
My salty chemical bromance.

Hubert Ziebicki - 2019-12-31

Bro, mean...