> chemistry > explosifs > ammonium-chlorate-and-bromate-explosions-fire

Ammonium Chlorate - Explosions&Fire

Explosions&Fire - 2018-02-27

In the shortest Ex&F video in a long time, we take a look at the unstable oxidiser ammonium chlorate, as his buddy ammonium bromate. 
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplosionsAndFire/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ExplosionsandFire
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Explosions_Fire
Slightly more serious Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/extractionsire

Thanks to all the Patreons! I said I'd list all the names, but I also decided to run all the names through an anagram generator, so if anyone wants to change their Patreon names, here are some suggestions for you all:

Acacia Gasp I
Large Jib
Melt Rot
9 Berth 99 Re 
Chillers Sottish Porn
Caesium Thesis
Eggnog Worry
2 Krill 2 Yo 5
Rectal Me Shyly
Anal Lice Demon
Mr Pig
Cam Rig

Wow ok they turned out more offensive than I thought they would.... please don't leave.... 

...i love you...

Also hope Youtube doesn't ban me for using 'adult' words in the description, oops. Oh well, risk-it-for-the-biscuit.

This video is weird because its like, not much exciting chemistry, but someone just turned into 4 minutes of me flexing all the chemicals I have, like 'oh hey ammonium perchlorate, yep I got that', 'Phosphorous, yeah whatever, I burn that for fun, whatever'. Man I'm turning into a Youtuber. I'll have a diss track up soon. Buy my merch.

Oh and finally, if you though """Hey that 2.3 second bit where he introduced the channel name was pretty good and well spoken""" then I have a sick behind-the-scenes look at what goes is required to get such a well designed and articulated shot: 


(Yeah click the link, do it)

Remind me to put more tags on this video later. I'll just spam like 'Nurdrage' lots so I end up in his suggested videos and he'll hate me, its a flawless plan, come at me you inspiring deep voice man

Green Bee - 2019-07-27

amonium clorite's friend , amonium BRO MATE

prostě Deni - 2019-07-30


TenOndra - 2020-08-30

@prostě Deni čus Deni 😂

styropyro - 2018-03-10

hahaha awesome video. lots of good quotes and chemistry in here. i need to catch up on your recent content

Obi-Wan Kenobi - 2019-07-20


caspar valentine - 2019-12-17

@Swupel that's what she said

Swupel - 2019-12-17

caspar valentine True true

Space Fire - 2020-06-11

Yay — all the science... Plus some googly eyes 👀

grayson whittington - 2020-08-25

Holy shit styropyro watches explosions and fire this is the best news

Bill Smathers - 2018-02-27

Holy shit, this editing is turning this channel into a YTP of itself.

i love it keep it up

electrotoxins - 2018-02-27

No, I'm pretty sure that's a spot on summary of Romeo and Juliet.

Patrick Lloyd - 2019-07-24

@Explosions&Fire as long as it isn't explosive platinum 😭😭😭

Explosions&Fire - 2019-07-24

@Patrick Lloyd sad :(

Alex Sinclair - 2019-10-25

electrotoxins I came to make this exact comment.

Grumplebump - 2019-11-27

@Alex Sinclair I also came to make this exact comment

Qinjiko Foxx - 2020-05-16

I had the same thought.

Aussie Chemist - 2018-02-27

Green phosphorus???

Uranus Inbanana - 2019-10-13

Aussie Chemist rainbow phosphorus

chu Harry - 2019-11-28

What is green phosphorous

caspar valentine - 2020-03-01

otherwise known as irish phosphorus

nibblrrr - 2020-06-04

the chemical name for Nutella® is actualy brown phosphorus

Fossil Draws - 2020-06-19

@Aussie Chemist violet and blue phosphorus also exist.

David McNeely - 2019-11-21

I'm just going to assume that Big Brother has already had several conversations with you.

Martin Usher - 2020-06-07

All these videos tell us is that it is really difficult to brew up a batch of usable explosives in a apartment kitchen or aircraft restroom. (Its a bit more tricky than just stirring the green and red liquids together like you see in the movies.)

Andrew Villalobos - 2020-07-18

@Martin Usher Yea people don't realize that even things like ETN can be a pain to make. It took me a while to get my yields how I wanted them simply because of my KNO3's shittiness. TATP is piss easy to make but getting the peroxide without being flagged is the hard part. You could make usable peroxide from the 3% version but it's tedious. Even when you succeed you'll have accidental detonations that kill you or if you make something insensitive enough to not kill you, you'll probably have some testing to do with proper detonations before you can do much.

Volvith - 2019-07-25

Hey, can you do a video on Chlorine-Trifluoride?
(Carefully? ;)

Cooper Gates - 2019-11-26

Oh. Iodine heptafluoride, lol

kader gumus - 2019-11-29

@Cooper Gates I'd like an iodine heptafluoride video.

HaydenX - 2020-08-26

Chlorine trifluoride: for when fluorine gas is too safe for you. Chlorine trifluoride: for when you have to get rid of a bunch of cinder blocks, and incineration is the only way you're allowed to do it.

Lee Chowning - 2020-08-29

N Stuff N Stuff N Stuff.

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2018-04-26

You really have a talent brother. Every one of your videos has a comedic edge to it which entertains and enlightens.

J H - 2019-08-15

2:15 green phosphorus?... Never heard of it

PyroMaker - 2020-01-12


Steven Bean - 2020-05-04

It’s white phosphorous that gets really nervous around oxygen

jogandsp - 2018-07-30

I always love your videos. You’re hilarious! The Nutella part got me laughing out loud and I liked the old timey “back in my day” rant

Explosions&Fire - 2018-08-01

Thanks for the support mate!

Just Call Me Waffles - 2018-03-15

Alright well here's my final outlook on your channel.... You neeeeed WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more subscribers!! Great Channel!!!!

Georgia Halliday - 2018-02-27

Good meme

Explosions&Fire - 2018-02-27

Georgia Halliday thank

Explosions&Fire - 2018-02-27

Georgia Halliday does it trigger u that I reply 2 ur YouTube comment before ur Facebook message?

Georgia Halliday - 2018-02-27

Explosions&Fire2 everyone knows u post a vid and then obsessively refresh it

Explosions&Fire - 2018-02-27

Georgia Halliday most of these comments are just bots run by me helping me circlejerk yes, that is public knowledge

PyroMaker - 2019-11-24

What is "Green Phosphor"?!

Darian Ballard - 2018-02-27

Very brave lol playing with ammonium chlorate. It can go off all on its own .

Hunter_Scars - 2020-08-05

who's here after seeing the explosion in beirut?

kader gumus - 2019-08-09

Releases ClO2?
Next, NH4ClO3 to replace the ever-so-unstable NaClO2!
N E W E S T M M S : A M M O N I U M C H L O R A T E

Mush V. Peets - 2019-07-21

2:19 Don't you mean ammonium chlorate's bro/mate?

Chris Rivas - 2018-06-05

This confirmed iran loves nutella lmaooo

Patchyst - 2018-07-05

Thanks, I found your stuff way more interesting and easier to understand than most other chemistry exercises.

ElementalMaker - 2020-05-06

"It could actually be.... Chlorine Dioxide" followed by the greatest two seconds in YouTube history! Thanks for the laugh.

OrbitalSaucer - 2019-09-26

love u. I always heard rocketry types on the internet talk about ammonium chlorate basically detonating on formation vis a vi poorly set up electrolytic schemes for ammonium perchlorate. It doesn't seem too detonatey but I always knew rocketry people were cowards.

jk thats not how safety works sorry

Uliemm151 - 2018-02-26

Pure chlorate + white P is probably one of the scariest things out there. Definetly stronger than Ammonium Chlorate + white P.

Also what in tarnation is green P? Is it match heads?

Explosions&Fire - 2018-02-26

Uliemm151 There's that video floating around of the White P in carbon disulfide and it gets put onto K chlorate, it evaporates and then detonates. I assume you've seen that, it certainly is very impressive. That contact area is a large part of why it explodes, I thought the energy output from my small lump of WPjust roughly dumped on the chlorate was still really impressive. I'll have to try with the other chlorates.... Carefully.

And nah it's just pure green phosphorus man

Uliemm151 - 2018-02-26

I saw it live during lecture. They used excessive amounts too. Something like 8g of white P with a bed of 30g of chlorate.

Explosions&Fire - 2018-02-27

Uliemm151 now that's super cool. Dangerous as, but I love it

shannon dove - 2020-02-23

Explosions&Fire2 can you drop a peice of phosphorus into liquid N2O4?

Ok Gaming - 2020-05-13

"Nutella Thermite"

Techno Rat - 2020-06-03

"Just like you and the girl you like... somethings are not meant to be together."

I Felt that (I got friend zoned today)

SuperAngelofglory - 2019-07-19

pretty sure ClO2 would trigger a secondary detonation so it must be chlorine

Fedora Master 3000 - 2018-02-27

your editing is improving, very nice

Joseph Stann - 2019-08-19

Information was great, but I liked it because of the cut at the end.

Joel A. - 2020-04-08

2:40 I knew this dude reminded me of ramsey from game of thrones

TM Fan - 2018-02-27

0:42 ammonium chloride

Joseph - 2020-01-18

Thank you so much I'm gonna set some stuff on fire with my niece and nephew

PoorMans Chemist - 2019-12-25

Thank you!! I was looking for some info on this compound. :-)

ricky heath - 2020-02-06

I couldn’t remember what your channel was called so I typed in something that only the most I thought no other chemist would be willing to try, and guess who came up first.

Scott Lawrence - 2020-02-05

is the music a muzak version of "In Bloom"?

Chuck - 2020-05-29

You do know they make smaller mics you can clip to your lapel?
Love your videos, the science and especially your sense of humor!

Gabriel Dos Santos - 2020-01-30

Now i know what to mix with nutella to turn the confined pot into a impact grenade

terawattyear - 2018-02-28

Interesting compound, I never thought about trying to make it. I like how it burns with no residue. The compound is all gasses, like ammonium nitrate.

Roy Roger - 2019-12-10

Thank you for making these great videos!

Kenneth Cole - 2019-12-02

O my god bless you 😁

J. Eckerth - 2018-02-28

Awesome video! Keep it up lad! You're the best

moofy - 2019-09-23

Alright mate by the time you got to delicious nut snack I was giggling so hard I spilt my coffee

VancityAditya - 2020-04-13

You know you psycho when you watch this during quarantine

Nikkolai - 2019-11-30

But just like Tom and the ability to have a decent yield, there are some things that just aren't meant to be together.

Davidian 77 - 2020-01-08

I'm now on some watch list for watching this channel.

dooks4life - 2018-03-02

nutella as lab eq .....awesome lool :):)

ᏰĪᏝᏝ ՇÎρɧᏋƦ - 2019-07-10

ammonium perchlorate powder saturated with paraffin under compression (add it to molten paraffin and squeeze the liquid paraffin out of the powder) can actually sometimes* detonate if you put an azide detonation cap into it.

*Usually, this mixture also contains up to 11% pentaerythritol tetranitrate powder to enhance it's reliability. It's called A3PN
(Ammonium Perchlorate, Paraffin, Pentaerythritol tetraNitrate).

It is used in mining (sometimes paraffin is replaced by some kind of oil) and also the chinese military uses some variation of A3PN with more PETN in the mixture. I guess something like maybe ~35% PETN + plasticisers = plastic explosives? idk, they don't tell anyone what they use exactly, lol ... maybe they don't even use PETN...

Pinochet's Helicopter - 2019-07-25

Naw. I still use them. Some of my favorite colors are made with it.

R.A Williams - 2020-06-11

Yeah, if you want a deep emerald green, you need a barium chlorate or potassium chlorate/barium nitrate formula.. No perchlorate green stars can compare.

E Jones - 2019-10-20

me when i mix all the colourful liquids from under the sink 1:37

123hi1239 - 2019-12-20

0:48 LMFAO

Tony T - 2020-08-27

@3:49 hahahhahaa

Ozark Woodsman - 2019-07-23

The subscribers on this channel has freakin doubled or more in the last week!!
Entertaining stuff

Explosions&Fire - 2019-07-24

I was on 4k subscribers a week ago... it's been wild

Ozark Woodsman - 2019-07-24

@Explosions&Fire Good deal, This is popping. Keep it up man!