> chemistry > explosifs > liquid-oxygen-and-ozone-explosions-fire

Liquid Oxygen and Ozone - Ex&F

Explosions&Fire - 2019-09-16

Backyard science. where I try not to get frostbite/burns/electrocuted/exploded/poisoned. A rad science time was had by all.  

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ExplosionsandFire

The Discord is here: https://discord.gg/VR6Fz9g
There's competitions! Chat! A cool community! A potential minceraft server! Admins who aren't me and who actually get things done! What more could you want??? Tell me. Join. 

Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplosionsAndFire/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Explosions_Fire

To see me assembling and testing the ozone generator, see this playlist on my Second Channel here: Ozone Generator: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnafk93vhO37wsHVbhBygg1kI7Jh6AfjP

 There's so many patreons! I say that every video but now there are SO MANY: Anyway: you can join too but for now: here is the list of cool people that allowed this video to happen (
Mark Hartsteen
Craig M.
Stephanie Mills
Arne Strasser
R.R - DalitasDrain
Thorben Zethoff
Zackary E. Jenkins
Justin Lubbers
Adam Conour
Roger-Dot- Lee
Oliver Toth
Daniel Coleman
Dan Kaplan
John Libal
Azide Fox!
Grant Trent
Clark Lowe
Isaac Paciga
The Gayest Person on Patreon
Matt Jackson
Darren Hansen
David Cagan
Hunter B
Calvin Motes
Mark Blundell
Leon Stark
PrettyChill Chemistry
Luke McGoggan
Michael Kavulich
Oz Sabina
Zachary Chapin
Leon Schutte
Thomas Abbott
Aussie Chemist
Gregory Wong
Christopher Stillson

(Hope I got everyone's name right!)

Where's the hidden content you say?? Where is it? the people demand it. well screw you people, i forgot to organise hidden content for this description. 

wait no I should split it Bitch Ute? how is it meant to be done? 
regardless: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/explosionsandfire/
it's got the old videos too! watch them if you want to cringe!

Some more cool liquid oxygen videos from other people:
Random Experiments International: https://youtu.be/nyv1LMsplzc
ChemicalForce: https://youtu.be/qGaBg0s1B8E

Eggbert of the Lamp - 2019-09-16

Keep buying test tubes from that company because those things are BEEFY

dELTA13579111315 - 2019-09-17

@Explosions&Fire gotta love natural selection

Leo Curious - 2019-09-19

@Explosions&Fire You know you can buy thicker and higher quality ones? And they dont cost that much. Trademarks like DURAN (glass) speak for themself. No-name borosilicate glass test tubes might be thin.

Jacob derp - 2021-06-03

@Leo Curious but is that as funny sounding as breeding a Superior test tube?

Agent C - 2021-06-23

@Jacob derp no, it is not.

Raideur Ng - 2022-07-17

@Explosions&Fire Captain Testtube

Extractions&Ire - 2019-09-15

Ozone is just Oxygen 2: Electric Boogaloo

Jordan Haining - 2019-12-27

@guy c as we reduce our CFC/HCFC expulsion into the air, solar radiation will help replenish the ozone layer.

Jordan Haining - 2019-12-27

I don't think he is talking about the formula O3. O–2 is an oxide ion, O2 is oxygen, I believe he was refering to it as the 2nd natural form oxygen atoms are found in considering Oxide ions are not naturally occuring.

ambiguous tv reference - 2020-01-31

yo we heard you like oxygen, so we put oxygen on your oxygen

*IOETER* - 2020-02-03

o4 oxozone

Custos - 2020-10-01

So what's singlet oxygen then?

Hobo Sullivan - 2020-04-21

You know you're dealing with serious shit when "clean glassware with boiling-hot chromic acid" is part of your safety procedure.

Rhodanide - 2019-09-15

Enthusiastic Aussie does a boom using angery air

Edward Science Innovations - 2020-07-09

it's an electronic neon sign transformer, which those generate tons of corona discharge. the ebay seller just shoved the wires into a pvc tube and spaced them apart so they generate as much ozone as possible

it's ok to be stupid - 2020-07-09

@southern katrina ps I think they're usually flyback transformers FYI but also I only have hobby level knowledge so 🤷‍♂️

also btw I know the coils in cars (gas not diesel) that drive the spark plugs are in the kv range too with dc input but no idea if they'd work for this but it's another thing to look up on the internet. that's not what he's using in the vid though that much I know.

Eier - 2020-11-24

Petition to call ozone angry air

Brian Conroy - 2021-03-26

@kader gumus ato angry toxic oxygen

Kaf' ou - 2019-09-16

Phd in organic chemistry here, you are genuinely crazy! Please keep on doing amazing videos as long as you are alive ;)

Explosions&Fire - 2019-09-17

Hey, you're the one doing a PhD in organic chem! That's some hardcore shit, good luck!!

Godfrey Poon - 2019-09-16

So, acetylene freezes at -81degC.
Just throwin' that out there.

Honey Lavender - 2019-12-21

And, it's easy to synthesize, too. Just take some calcium carbide pellets and introduce them to water. You can carve pumpkins explosively with that reaction and a little bit of flaming encouragement ;-)

Kaerius - 2020-01-06

@Drakkar Calethiel I love his laugh, sounds a lot like when Ian McCollum gets to fire something particularly fun on the range in an episode of Forgotten Weapons.

Tiernan Wilkinson - 2020-02-15

@Kaerius Heheheheheheh

kain hall - 2022-04-02

@Honey Lavender its easy to just buy at any welding supply / hardware store.....
oxy-acetylene cutting torches

Honey Lavender - 2022-04-02

@kain hall you can synthesize MUCH larger amounts without arousing suspicion than you can buy ;)

Wojciech Dubrownik - 2019-09-16

Explosions&Fire: I don't want to make an ozone explosion because I don't like explosions in glass

Also Explosions&Fire: Literally drops white phosphorus into liquid oxygen in a glass test tube

Explosions&Fire - 2019-09-17

"ok lets try oneeee more experiment"

PJ Vis - 2019-09-18

@Explosions&Fire I believe you're the person an OSHA inspector sees in their nightmares.

TheExplodingChipmunk - 2020-05-03

@PJ Vis Or their wet dreams. Can you imagine the amount of fines one could dump on people if this was an actual work environment? xD

Hydraulic Press Channel - 2019-09-19

Great video! I think I have to make something like this in industrial scale :D With just oxygen of course I think I am going to leave ozone stuff for you :D

Explosions&Fire - 2019-09-20

Happy (and safe) crushing my dude!

Josh St. Louis - 2019-09-16

The opposite of yellowish orange is a bluish purple. So you were pretty on about your joke at the end. Much better than yellow chemistry.

Clash Cornholio - 2022-01-02

Sooo. I guess you base that on the color circles of Itten or Liedl, because according to Küpper and Hering blue would be the contrast to yellow...

dELTA13579111315 - 2019-09-16

I knew that oxygen is blue, but I had no idea that ozone was so beautiful

Nic - 2021-05-31

@Sir. Lord. Dr James bottom tooth the 3rd Also! Ozone does not have a wavelength (although boy does it vibrate!), because it is a molecule containing oxygen atoms. Light however does have a wavelength, which is not so much a vibration as it is the tangible length of a particle-wave of light from peak to peak, if im not mistaken!

Sir. Lord. Dr James bottom tooth the 3rd - 2021-05-31

@Nic "does ozone make the sky blue" youl see the short answer by Wikipedia is yes.

Sir. Lord. Dr James bottom tooth the 3rd - 2021-05-31

@Nic wave length... Vibration.....both are frequency related.

Nic - 2021-05-31

@Sir. Lord. Dr James bottom tooth the 3rd Did ya even read the Wikipedia article buddy? :/ You're self-simplifying something more complex, and in this case, youre explanation is so vaguely blanketed over the actual explanation that it makes you entirely wrong... Yes! Ozone plays a part in making a blue sky, so does argon, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, xenon, neon, etc...

Nic - 2021-05-31

@Sir. Lord. Dr James bottom tooth the 3rd What im getting at in all of this is, James... You need to remove "Dr" from your youtube name. Unqualified to say the least

Felixkeeg - 2019-09-16

The ozone styrofoam
Ah, yes, enslaved destruction

randomsauce - 2021-01-21

benzene, ah yes, enslaved cancer

JamesG - 2019-09-17

"I don't like explosions in glass."
- puts white phosphorus in a test tube full of liquid oxygen

Random Experiments Int. - Experiments and syntheses - 2019-09-16

I always wanted to see liquid ozone! This was awesome! Even though I had the urge to hold my hands in front of my face, while watching this.

Explosions&Fire - 2019-09-16

It should be diamagnetic too, unlike LOX, that would be cool to demo!!

Humberto Diaz Suarez - 2019-11-29

I held my hands over my mouth when the styrofoam absorbed ozone. That was a tense moment.

Ryan T - 2019-09-16

Most underrated channel on YouTube. Keep up the great work, we all appreciate the work you do...

Sparthan Kitty - 2019-09-19

Keep going man I know it must be very hard for you since your past channel was taken away, and I just want to let you know your doing an amazing job and I absolutely love the memes and the great chemistry you make. Thank you for all the hard work you put into the channel!!

Danielle Spargo - 2019-09-16

Amazing vid, thanks! This is the first time I've seen liquid ozone, and would definitely like to see you do more work with it, assuming you figure out how to do it safely :)

jogandsp - 2019-09-17

This might be my new favorite video of yours. Fantastic chemistry, fantastic experimental setup, fantastic humor, and fantastic Explosions and Fire!

fearofchicken - 2019-09-17

The fact that you made liquid O^3 brought a tear to my eye.
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

KingHalbatorix - 2019-09-16

holy schmoly you managed to hit 1k at only 6k views? and without a single dislike??? you definitely deserve it though, you make some of the absolute best chemistry videos on youtube

Zack Jenkins - 2019-09-15

I said "Jesus Christ" out loud at least 5 times watching this video.

Joshua Hunt - 2019-09-16

Glad I wasn't the only one.

AdraMelekTaus - 2019-09-16

That white phosphorus explosion had my anus puckered up real tight, I won't lie.
Wouldn't ever try it myself, that's for sure.

FinestSeven - 2019-09-18

Just the chromic acid made me cringe a bit.

Dingu - 2021-01-28

I'm no chemist so ignorance is bliss I guess.

Master Of Hippos - 2021-07-11

he has that affect on little girls

thcola - 2019-09-17

This was an awesome video! Ozone is so pretty! Please do more videos with liquid Ozone!

Laharl Krichevskoy - 2019-09-17

Hey, talking about ozone, any change you could do some ozone based retro brighting with the liquid ozone? It kind of worked with the low concentration gas, but id love to see if more concentration helps reverting the bromide taint.

Ilyas Khairullin - 2019-09-16

Great video! My dad used to work in production of oxygen and other gases, one time I was with him and he gave me a whole jar of liquid oxygen(they were purging some part of their AKDS-70 or something), I poked it with a stick but nothing really happened and I was too scared to do something with open flame, seems like I was right.

S F - 2021-01-02

You probably saved some lives showing how dangerous LOX plus Styrofoam can be, including mine! P.S., for the cryogenics, would it help to blow some dry inert gas over the test tube to reduce the formation of ice (so we can see better)?

Glauco Tronchin - 2019-09-17

Seeing the styrofoam soaked in ozone was doing nothing was just like looking at an unexploded firecracker, exept this firecracker has glass around it.
I was honestly scared for your safety man!
I'm sure you know what you're doing though, and I loved this video!
You mix dangerous chemicals with a good bit of comedy, I really love it.

Aidand Pearce - 2019-09-17

I just love seeing "now i wasn't expecting that" and incredibly dangerous experiments in one video

KarRawr - 2021-03-22

When even Adam Savage says playing with liquid oxygen is a nono, you know you're dealing with something fun

Trevor Day - 2020-01-02

I've said it before and I'll say it again; this whole channel just proves that the world is a much better place with Australia in it. Every world needs a whole nation of happy, cheerful, friendly mental-cases. Good on yer 😎👍🏻

Drakkar Calethiel - 2019-09-16

Good old ozone, always smells fresh in low concentrations a sorta metallic and really purgent when in higher concentrations.
Phosphorus + LO3 was pretty darn violent! Any other plans on reacting stuff with LO3?

Odin1465 - 2019-09-17

I once heard a talk from prof. Thomas klapötke from the LMU Munich. He explained in how they have isolated large amounts of pure ozone, I sadly don’t remember how they did it, but they did something similar to what happened with the styrofoam. I think they did put it on some kind of carrier material so they would basically have solid ozone.
Either way nice video, thank you.

pineapple ‎ - 2019-09-16

Solid acetylene burns quite angry. I wonder what would happen if...

pineapple ‎ - 2019-09-16

Turns out someone already did it:

Entenkommando - 2019-09-16

@pineapple ‎ oh my god why would you do such a thing withtout any safety equipment?

Drakkar Calethiel - 2019-09-16

dontlikemath -.- That made hell of a bang! Shows you once more what a nasty thing acetylene can be.

XtreeM FaiL - 2019-09-19

Acetylene is not a laughing gas... or was it a laughing matter?
Oh, what ever. Just do it!

bstrickler - 2019-12-21

@pineapple ‎ but they didn't use Ozone! I wanted to see Ozone and acetylene!

Robert LaPointe - 2019-09-17

Nice demo. After I saw your earlier ozone vids I was hoping you would get a Dewar, some LN2 and give this a try. Now that you are set up for liquifying gasses, another fun demo is to dip a kim-wipe (or other brand tissue paper of similar size) in Lox and then igniting it. The result is much like lighting flash paper. For even more fun (you'll want a long pair of tongs, face shield and hearing protection) try dunking the kim-wipe in Lox followed by liquified natural gas and then lighting it (I did that in grad school about 40 years ago, a real ear-ringer, like an oxygen-acetylene balloon).

TheBackyardChemist - 2019-09-16

You absolute madlad. I was just thinking about liquid ozone a couple months ago, and now there is a video about it. It looked beautiful. First the C2N14, then LO3, you are really on a roll!

Tralbi8 - 2019-09-16

love your channel, keep up the good work!

DerBunse - 2019-09-16

I Love your content ... its pretty entertaining that u do not really care about the "Safety" but watching this video made me think if u keep going like this you maybe not doing awesome videos for a long time...

rxmclaren7 - 2019-09-16

i love this mad scientist approach to experiments...entertaining as always...

Chariie - 2019-11-19

I just randomly find this channel going through a YouTube deep dive and it's the definition of a channel I didn't know I needed but now idk how I would manage without it?

Andrew Kellerman - 2019-09-16

its good to see you again man, hope you keep this up. c:

Gregory Pres. - 2019-09-16

So damn excited to watch another one of your videos man, love the awesome (borderline fucking crazy shit) you mess with.

Jan Negrey - 2019-10-13

Test tubes are wonderful things. One might be eaten by the compound that is not even supposed to react with glass, which results in weird clean-up, others - sometimes from the same batch can handle enormous pounding. We had eye protective gear and stood behind shield with strengthened glass, while our professor gently lit nitrocelulose using contraption, had it previously compressed and ignited it. I don't remember if there was any oxidizer, but boom was so freaking loud that Headmaster came to see what happened. And he was in his soundproof studio giving an interview, over 200 m away. And 2 ceilings between us. Test tube was okay only smoldered, but the ceiling was charred (area of char? Approx. 10 m). That was 15 years ago, so apologies for any mistakes.

Freizeitflugsphäre - 2019-09-17

Awesome footage! Very entertaining 👍🏼

Edward LaRosa - 2019-11-08

This is the most entertaining chemistry channel on youtube.

Django - 2019-09-16

If you need a cheapo thermos for LN2, my lab uses Rockland thermos food jar things. Surprisingly, it works better than the glass ones we have (that keep getting tipped over and exploding).

Ian McClure - 2019-09-19

I seem to recall from the book Ignition! that Ozone-oxygen mixtures can exhibit strange and dangerous separation behaviors. But I might be thinking of one of the other horrible things in that book.

Echo the Bot - 2019-09-18

First time seeing liquid ozone wow, do more experiments like this!!!

DickEnchilada - 2019-09-16

Dude, I love what you do.

Ubernoobtuber - 2019-11-25

okay i'm no chemist, but the literal potential that liquid ozone Styrofoam "batteries" could possibly hold seems like a very dangerous, yet advanced method of storing energy.

Lajos Winkler - 2019-09-24

Even though liquid ozone is something I haven't seen before, solutions in LOX like this were shown online in the recent years. No pure ozone, thought...
What I'd like to see is solid ozone. I don't think there's even a photograph of it online. It's supposed to look similar to iodine, but without the metallic luster, and more apparent violet.

Eph-Jay Music - 2019-09-17

OH MY GOD! This was BRILLIANT!!! Want to see more experiments with Ozone please!!!!!

Eph-Jay Music - 2020-07-01

I keep re-watching this! It's beautiful.

Shay - 2021-10-19

While it makes sense that styrofoam is already flammable, and full of holes, I never thought to add liquid oxygen to it. Terrifying ignition