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Extended data list for water

Water Properties (abbreviated list)

List of physical data concerning liquid H2O *



Area, surface covered

19.0 Å2 ˣ mol-1 (monolayer [795])

Atmospheric content

19.66 g ˣ kg-1 (relative humidity = 100)

Boiling point

100.0 °C, 373.1243 K see [88]

Compressibility, adiabatic S)

0.4477 GPa-1 [620]

Compressibility, isothermalT)

0.4599 GPa-1 [507]

Conductivity, electrolytic

0.055 01 μS ˣ cm-1 [737])

Conductivity, thermal

0.610 W ˣ m-1 ˣ K-1[IAPWS]

Critical point

647.096 K, 22.064 MPa, 322 kg ˣ m-3 (IAPWS)

Cryoscopic constant  

1.8597 K ˣ kg ˣ mol-1


997.05 kg ˣ m-3  [67, 112]

Dielectric constant  

78.4 [63]

Diffusion coefficient

0.2299 Å2 ˣ ps-1 [1933]

Dipole moment, μ

2.95±0.2 D (liquid, 27 °C) [129]

Ebullioscopic constant  

0.5129 K ˣ kg ˣ mol-1

Enthalpy of vaporization  

40.657 kJ ˣ mol-1 (100 °C) [61]

Enthalpy of fusion

6.00678 kJ ˣ mol-1 (0 °C) [1385]

Expansion coefficient (α)

0.000253 °C-1 [68]

Magnetic susceptibility

-1.64 ˣ 10-10 m3 ˣ mol-1 [670 ]

Melting point

0.00 °C, 273.152 519 K (IAPWS)


55.508 472 mol ˣ kg -1

Molar concentration

55.345 mol ˣ L-1

Molar mass

18.015 268 g ˣ mol-1


6.9996 (based on [112])


13.995 (25 °C) [2965]


13.9991 [112]

Refractive index

1.332 86 (λ = 589.26 nm) [310

Resistance, electrical

18.18 MΩ cm [737]

Specific heat capacity, CP

75.338 J ˣ mol-1 ˣ K-1 calculated from [1154 ]

Specific heat capacity, Cv

74.539 J ˣ mol-1 ˣ K-1 [67]

Speed of sound

1496.7 m ˣ s-1 [620]

0.07198 J ˣ m-2 [IAPWS]

Triple point

0.01 °C, 611.657 Pa, 0.99978 g ˣ cm-3 [536]

Vapor pressure

3.165 kPa [808]

Viscosity, dynamic

0.8909 mPa s [IAPWS]

Viscosity, kinematic

0.8935 ˣ 10-6 m2 ˣ s-1

Volume, molar

18.0685 cm3 [1006]

* All the data is for liquid water at 25 °C, 101.325 kPa unless clearly other conditions apply. For more details go to the extended list.



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This page was established in 2008 and last updated by Martin Chaplin on 24 September, 2018

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