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Water Structure and Science, References 501 - 600


  1. (a) M. Matsuo, T. Tanaka, L. Ma, Gelation mechanism of agarose and k-carrageenan solutions estimated in terms of concentration fluctuation, Polymer, 43 (2002) 5299-5309. This paper has been questioned (b) M. Roy and S. Chakraborty, Comment on 'gelation mechanism of agarose and k-carrageenan solutions estimated in terms of concentration fluctuation [Polym 2002;43:5299]', Polymer, 46 (2005) 3535-3537; and supported (c) M. Matsuo, Reply to the paper ' Comment on Gelation mechanism of agarose and k-carrageenan solutions estimated in terms of concentration fluctuation' [Polym 2002;43:5299], Polymer, 46 (2005) 3538. [Back]
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  26. A. A. Yakovenko, V. A. Yashin, A. E. Kovalev and E. E. Fesenko, Structure of the vibrational absorption spectra of water in the visible region, Biophysics 47 (2002) 891-895. [Back]
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  55. Y. I. Cho, S. H. Lee and W. Kim, Physical water treatment for the mitigation of mineral fouling in cooling-tower water applications, ASHRAE Transactions, 109 (2003) 346-357, (but differing results are given in Y. I. Cho, S. H. Lee, W. Kim and S. Suh, Physical water treatment for the mitigation of mineral fouling in cooling-tower water applications, 2003 ECI Conference on Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning: Fundamentals and Applications, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, Ed. P. Watkinson, H. Müller-Steinhagen and M. R. Malayeri (2004) Paper 4). [Back]
  56. S. R. Dillon and R. C. Dougherty, NMR evidence of weak continuous transitions in water and aqueous electrolyte solutions, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 107 (2003) 10217-10220. [Back, 2]
  57. A. M. Sereno, M. D. Hubinger, J. F. Comesaña and A. Correa, Prediction of water activity of osmotic solutions, Journal of Food Engineering, 49 (2001) 103-114. [Back]
  58. H. Tanaka, A new scenario of the apparent fragile-to-strong transition in tetrahedral liquids: water as an example, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15 (2003) L703-L711. [Back, 2, 3]
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  63. P. Cabral do Couto, S. G. Estácio, and B. J. Costa Cabrala, The Kohn-Sham density of states and band gap of water: From small clusters to liquid water, Journal of Chemical Physics, 123 (2005) 054510. [Back]
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  70. N. J. English and J. M. D. MacElroy, hydrogen bonding and molecular mobility in liquid water in external electromagnetic fields, Journal of Chemical Physics,119 (2003) 11806-11813. [Back]
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  76. (a) C. Branca, S. Magazù, F. Migliardo and G. Romeo, Water poly(ethylene glycol) coordination by rheological and acoustic data, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 103-104 (2003) 181-185. (b) T. Shikata, R. Takahashi and A. Sakamoto, Hydration of poly(ethylene oxide)s in aqueous solution as studied by dielectric relaxation measurements, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (2006) 8941-8945. [Back]
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  90. B. Guillot and Y. Guissani, Polyamorphism in low temperature water: A simulation study, Journal of Chemical Physics, 119 (2003) 11740-11752. [Back]
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  95. J. D. Batchelor, A. Olteanu, A. Tripathy and G. J. Pielak, Impact of protein denaturants and stabilizers on water structure, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126 (2004) 1958-1961. [Back]
  96. F. Corzana, M. S. Motawia, C. Hervé du Penhoat, S. Perez, S. M. Tschampel, R. J. Woods and S. B. Engelsen, A hydration study of (1->4) and (1->6) linked α-glucans by comparative 10 ns molecular dynamics simulations and 500-MHz NMR, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 25 (2004) 573-586. [Back]
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  98. B. Farruggia, B. Nerli and G. Picó, Study of the serum albumin-polyethyleneglycol interaction to predict the protein partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems, Journal of Chromatography B, 798 (2003) 25-33. [Back]
  99. Y. H. Tsang, Y-H. Koh and D. L. Koch, Bubble-size dependence of the critical electrolyte concentration for inhibition of coalescence, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 275 (2004) 290-297. [Back]
  100. Y. I. Jhon, H. G. Kim and M. S. Jhon, Equilibrium between two liquid structures in water: explicit representation via significant liquid structure theory, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 111 (2004) 141-149. [Back, 2] [Back to Top to top of page]




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