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Water phases at Annapurna II, Nepal

Water phases at Annapurna II

Water Phase Diagram

The properties of the all the known different phases of water are described.


link Water density

link Supercooled water

link Supercritical water
link The ice phases

V Phase diagrams
V The phase diagram of water

V Triple points

V The Clausius Clapeyron equation




'Corresponding to the abnormal behavior of the liquid at low pressures, and probably connected to it, the solid also shows abnormal behavior...'

Percy Bridgman, 1911  [2472]   

Phase diagrams

Phase changes


Phase changes

Phase diagrams show the preferred physical states of matter at different thermodynamic variables, such as temperatures and pressure. Within each phase, the material is uniform with respect to its chemical composition and physical state. At typical temperatures and pressures on Earth (marked by an 'E' below) water is a liquid, but it becomes solid (that is, ice) if its temperature is lowered below 0 °C and gaseous (that is, water vapor) if its temperature is raised above 100 °C, at the same pressure. Each line (phase line) d on a phase diagram represents a phase boundary and gives the conditions when two phases may stably coexist in any relative proportions (having the same Gibbs free energy and identical chemical potential). Here, a slight change in temperature or pressure may cause the phases to abruptly change from one physical state to the other. Where three phase lines join, there is a 'triple point', when three phases stably coexist (having identical Gibbs free energies and identical chemical potentials), d but may abruptly and totally change into each other given a slight change in temperature or pressure.


The Gibbs phase rule states that if a system consists of C components and P phases existing in equilibrium, the number of degrees of freedom (F, like temperature or pressure) is given by F = C − P + 2. Under the singular conditions of temperature and pressure where liquid water, gaseous water, and hexagonal ice stably coexist (P = 3), there is a 'triple point' (F = 0) where both the boiling point of water and the melting point of ice are equal for a single component system (C = 1), like pure water. Four phase lines cannot meet at a single point. A 'critical point' occurs at the end of a phase line where the properties of the two phases become indistinguishable from each other, for example when, under singular conditions of temperature and pressure, liquid water is hot enough, and gaseous water is under sufficient pressure that their densities are identical (0.322 g cm-3 ). At temperatures above the critical temperature a gas cannot be liquefied. Critical points are usually found at the high-temperature end of the liquid-gas phase line.

The phase diagram of water

The phase diagram of water is complex, a, b, c, e, f having a number of triple points and one, or possibly two, critical points. Many of the crystalline forms may remain metastable in much of the low-temperature phase space at lower pressures. An example of this is the metastable extension of the liquid phase line at low temperatures (< -21.985 °C ) through the ice III and ice II phase spaces, giving a metastable triple point (-32.7 °C and 273 MPa) that interlinks the three metastable equilibrium curves: ice Ih + ice IV, ice Ih + liquid and ice IV + liquid [3736]. A thermodynamic model of water and ices Ih, III, V, and VI [1320] and thermodynamic functions of the phase transitions [1658] have been described. The known ices can be divided, by cluster analysis of their structures [1717], into the low-pressure ices (hexagonal ice, cubic ice and ice-eleven), the high-pressure ices (ice-seven, ice-eight and ice-ten) and the others (found in the relatively narrow range of moderate pressures between about 200-2000 MPa). It is noticeable that most phase boundaries between the ices that share phase boundaries, particularly are parallel to the temperature axis, implying density-driven phase transformations [2465]; entropy-driven phase transformations, such as ice Ih-liquid water, show phase boundaries parallel to the pressure axis. All phases that share phase boundaries with liquid water (ices Ih, III, V and VI and VII) have disordered hydrogen-bonding. The phases with ordered hydrogen-bonding are found at lower temperatures and are indicated in light blue below. The structural transformation conditions of some of these ices during compression have been described [1795]. As pressure increases, the ice phases become denser. They achieve this by initially bending bonds, forming tighter ring or helical networks, and finally including greater amounts of network inter-penetration. This is particularly evident when comparing ice-five with the metastable ices (ice-four and ice-twelve) that may exist in its phase space. Note that, in the phase diagram below, only the stable phases are shown and that the vertical axis has a logarithmic scale for pressure, as the required pressures vary over more than ten orders of magnitude. Gibbs energy representations, densities and phase lines for ice II, III, V and VI have been reported [3832]. The SeaFreeze package allows the computation of the thermodynamic (phase boundaries, density, entropy, specific heat, isothermal bulk modulus, adiabatic bulk modulus, thermal expansivity, chemical potentials) and elastic properties of water and ice polymorphs (II, III, V and VI) over the 0-2300 MPa and 220-500K range (covering the range of conditions encountered in hydrospheres in our solar system). Use of this package gives rise to some minor changes to some of the phase lines below. The phase diagram of water showing stable ice polymorphs relevant to water-rich planetary body interiors has been described [3832]


The phase diagram of water Water phase diagram

liquid water Triple point, ice-two, ice-six, ice-fifteen; ≈ 130 K, ≈ 0.8 GPa Very high pressure forms, from theory, [1818] Ice-fifteen Triple point, ice-two, ice-eleven, hexagonal ice; 73.4 K, 70 MPa GPa Triple point, ice-six, ice-eight, ice-fifteen; ≈ 130 K, ≈ 1.5 GPa Ice-seven, form at lower pressure, see ref 1428; density (P=0) 1.50 g/cm^3; melting point P=2210+534.2*((T/355)^5.22-1) MPa Triple point, supercritical fluid, ice-seven, ice-ten; 1000 K, 47 GPa Critical isochor, density = 322 Kg m-3 Surface of Venus Ice Ih; density (P=0) 0.9167 g/cm^3 melting line of ice VII, Ln(P/2216)=1.73683x(1-355/T)-0.0544606x(1-(T/355)^5)+0.806106x(10^-7)x(1-(T/355)^22); P in MPa, T in Kelvin; opens new site in a pop-up window melting line of ice VI, P=625+707x(((T/273.31)^4.46)-1); P in MPa, T in Kelvin; opens new site in a pop-up window 2nd critical point, ≈ 182 K, ≈ 195 MPa, ≈ 1.1 g cm-3  [580] Surface of Earth (E), Mars (M) and Venus (V); violet line shows mean atmospheric conditions, some metastable phases are shown green critical point, 647.096 K, 22.064 MPa, 322 Kg m-3 ice Ih-vapor line;  from Murphy and T. Koop [906] Ln(P, Pa)= -5723.265/T +9.550426 -0.00728332T+3.53068LnT; T in Kelvin and >110 K; opens new site in a pop-up window, see also [2064] liquid-vapor line; Ln(P, Pa)=-2836.5744/T^2 -6028.076559/T+19.54263612-0.02737830188T+1.6261698x10^(-5)xT^2+7.0229056x10^(-10)xT^3-1.8680009x10^(-13)xT^4+2.7150305LnT; T in Kelvin; opens new site in a pop-up window Vapor pressure Surface of Mars Ice-ten Ice-eight; density (P=0) 1.49 g/cm^3 Ice-two; density (P=0) 1.17 g/cm^3 Phase boundaries [ref 273]; I-II P=176.0+0.918(T-198.15) MPa; II-III P=213+[(T/238)^19.676-1] MPa; II-V P=412.0-7.01(T-239.15) MPa Ice-five; density (P=0) 1.23 g/cm^3; melting point P=346+410*((T/256.15)^8.1-1) MPa; ice V/VI P=625.9+0.06086*(T-273.15)-0.0008571*(T-273.15)^2 MPa Ice-six; density (P=0) 1.31 g/cm^3; melting point P=625+707*((T/273.31)^4.46-1) MPa Ice-seven, form at higher pressure, see ref 1428; density (P=0) 1.50 g/cm^3; melting point P=2210+534.2*((T/355)^5.22-1) MPa Ice Ih; melting point, P=-395.2*((T/273.16)^9.0 -1) MPa Ice XI, ice XI/ice Ih P=(T-72)*67 MPa proposed new solid phase, see ref [1521] supercritical water; pressure > 22.064 MPa and temperature > 647.096 K Triple point, liquid 18.019 cm^3 mol^-1, gas 3.355 m^3 mol^-1, ice Ih 19.66 cm^3 mol^-1; 0.01  °C, 612 Pa Triple point, liquid,15.15 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-five 14.5 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-six 13.8 cm^3 mol^-1; 0.16  °C, 632.4 MPa Triple point, ice-six, ice-seven, ice-eight; ≈ 5  °C, 2.1 GPa Triple point, ice-two, ice-five, ice-six; ≈ -55  °C, ≈ 620 MPa Ice-three; density (P=0) 1.14 g/cm^3; melting point  P=207+62*((T/251.15)^60-1)MPa; Triple points, (liquid 16.52 cm^3 mol^-1, ice1h 19.4  cm^3 mol^-1, ice-three 15.7 cm^3 mol^-1; -21.985  °C, 209.9 MPa) (liquid 15.90 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-three 15.7 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-five 14.5 cm^3 mol^-1; -16.986  °C, 350.1 MPa) (ice1h, ice-two, ice-three; -34.7  °C, 212.9 MPa) (ice-two, ice-three, ice-five; -24.3  °C, 344.3 MPa); ice 1/III P=186.1-1.335*(T-273.15)-0.1028*(T-273.15)^2 MPa; ice III/V P=344.3-0.275*(T-273.15)-0.01099*(T-273.15)^2 MPa Triple point, liquid 13.36 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-six 13.8 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-seven 11.5 cm^3 mol^-1; 81.85  °C, 2.216 GPa Triple point, ice-seven, ice-eight, ice-ten; 100 K, 62 GPa


Detail of the water phase diagram                                         

Phase Diagram, close-up on IceIII d2o D2O Ice-six; density (P=0) 1.31 g/cm^3; melting point P=625+707*((T/273.31)^4.46-1) MPa Ice I>h; density (P=0) 0.9167 g/cm^3 Ice-two; density (P=0) 1.17 g/cm^3 Phase boundaries [ref 273]; I-II P=176.0+0.918(T-198.15) MPa; II-III P=213+99.517*[(T/238.45)^19.676-1] MPa; II-V P=412.0-7.01(T-239.15) MPa Ice-five; density (P=0) 1.23 g/cm^3; melting point P=346+410*((T/256.15)^8.1-1) MPa; ice V/VI P=625.9+0.06086*(T-273.15)-0.0008571*(T-273.15)^2 MPa liquid water, density contours Triple point, liquid,15.15 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-five 14.5 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-six 13.8 cm^3 mol^-1; 0.16  °C, 625.9 MPa Triple point, ice-two, ice-five, ice-six; ≈ -55  °C, ≈ 620 MPa Ice-three; density (P=0) 1.14 g/cm^3; melting point  P=207+62*((T/251.15)^60-1)MPa; ice 1/III P=198.2-0.42*(T-273.15) MPa; ice III/V P=344.3-0.275*(T-273.15)-0.01099*(T-273.15)^2 MPa Triple point, (liquid 16.52 cm^3 mol^-1, ice1h 19.4  cm^3 mol^-1, ice-three 15.7 cm^3 mol^-1; -22.0  °C, 207.5 MPa) Triple point, (liquid 15.90 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-three 15.7 cm^3 mol^-1, ice-five 14.5 cm^3 mol^-1; -17.0  °C, 346.3 MPa) Triple point, ice1h, ice-two, ice-three; -34.7  °C, 212.9 MPa Triple point, ice-two, ice-three, ice-five; -24.3  °C, 344.3 MPa

                              Mouse over the pressure border for D2O phase lines

The mean surface conditions on Earth, (also atmospheric conditions, Mars and Venus on mousing over Earth) are indicated. The complex central part of the phase diagram is expanded opposite. The critical point and the orange line in the ice-one phase space refer to the low-density (LDA) and high-density (HDA) forms of amorphous water (ice) [16]. Although generally accepted and supported by diverse experimental evidence [754a, 861], the existence of this second, if metastable, critical point is impossible to prove absolutely at the present time and is disputed by some [200, 618, 628, 754b, 1115]. The transition between LDA and HDA is due to the increased entropy and attractive van der Waals contacts in HDA compensating for the reduced strength of its hydrogen-bonding.


The high-pressure phase line between ice-ten (X) and ice-eleven (XI) [81] is still subject to experimental verification. The melting point line between supercritical water and high-pressure ice has been established [691, 2096]. Ice VII possesses higher and lower pressure forms [1428, 3509]. Phase diagram of water at higher temperatures, up to 9000 K, have been proposed [1671, 3199]. The area of stability of ice-eighteen (XVIII) is given elsewhere.


Both the critical points are shown as red circles in the phase diagram, above.


Many properties of cold liquid water change above about 200 MPa (for example, viscosity, self-diffusion, compressibility, Raman spectra, and molecular separation), which may be explained by the presence of a high-density liquid phase containing interpenetrating hydrogen bonds.  The chemical properties of water are also greatly changed at high temperatures and pressures due to the changes in dissociation, solubility, diffusivity, and reactivity due to decreasing hydrogen-bonding [1116].]

Triple points

Triple points occur where three phase lines join, and the three (stable) phases may coexist at equilibrium. As the triple point (gas:liquid:ice Ih) can be precisely reproduced in the laboratory, its temperature (defined to be precisely 273.16 K), together with the absolute zero of temperature (0 K) determine the thermodynamic temperature scale and the size of the kelvin.



Thermodynamic data for the triple points of water
Triple points MPa °C


kJ ˣ mol-1


J mol-1 K-1

ΔV cm3 mol-1 Ref. D2O [717]
gas liquid Ih 0.000611657 0.010   536 661 Pa, 3.82 °C [70]
-44.9 -165 -22050 1833  
-50.9 -186 -22048
-5.98 -22 1.634
gas Ih XI 0 -201.0   717 0 MPa, -197 °C
Ih -> XI     0    
liquid Ih III 209.9 -21.985   537 220 MPa, -18.8 °C
-4.23 -16.9 2.434 1833  
-3.83 -15.3 -0.839
0.39 1.6 -3.273



XI 89.6 -198.1   3832  
70 -199.8   2300 80 MPa, -195 °C [2300]
Ih II III 209.9 -34.15      


-34.7   537 225 MPa, -31.0 °C
-0.75 -3.2 -3.919 1833  
0.17 0.7 -3.532
0.92 3.8 0.387
II III V 355.5 -23.75       3832  
344.3 -24.3       537 347 MPa, -21.5 °C
1.27 5.1 0.261 1833  
1.20 4.8 -0.721
-0.07 -0.2 -0.982
II VI XV 828.5 -143.15   3832 ≈ 0.8 GPa, -143 °C [1582]
liquid III V 350.1 -16.986   537 348 MPa, -14.5 °C
-4.61 -18.0 -0.434 1833  
-4.69 -18.3 -1.419
-0.07 -0.2 -0.985
II V VI 670.8 -71,25   3832  
≈ 620 ≈ -55   539  
liquid V VI 632.4 0.16   537 629 MPa, 2.4 °C
-5.27 -19.3 -0.949 1833  
-5.29 -19.4 -1.649
-0.02 -0.5 -0.700
VI VIII XV       1582 ≈ 1.5 GPa, -143 °C
VI VII VIII 2,100 ≈ 5   8 1950 MPa, ≈ 0 °C
VI->VII -0.09 -o.3 -1.0 1833  
VI->VIII -1.20 -4.2 -1.0
VII->VIII -1.10 -3.9 0.0
liquid VI VII 2,216 81.85   537 2060 MPa, 78 °C
liquid->VI -6.36 -18.0 -0.59 1833  
liquid->VII -6.36 -18.0 -1.64
VI->VII 0.0 0.0 -1.05
VII VIII X 62,000 -173   538  
super-critical fluid VII VII' ~20,000 ~800   3509  
super-critical fluid VII X 43,000 >700   612a  
47,000 ≈ 727   612b
super-critical fluid VII XVIII ≈ 40,000 ≈ 1000   1572  
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Putative phase diagram of a 'typical' liquid

Phase diagram of water, if it behaved like a more typical  material of its molecular weight


a If water behaved more typically as a low relative molecular mass (molecular weight) material, its phase diagram might have looked rather like this (where 'x' marks ambient conditions on earth). [Back]


b The metastable phases (Ice Ic, ice IV, Ice XII and Ice XIII) do not belong in a phase diagram. However, Ice Ic (cubic ice) has been found in the hexagonal ice phase space below -80 °C, ice IV has been found within the ice-three, ice-five and ice-six phase spaces and Ice XII and Ice XIII have been found within the ice-two phase space. At low enough temperatures these phases may be stable for extended periods as there is insufficient energy available to overcome the necessary activation barriers. [Back]


c Note that phase diagrams originating at this site have been copied by various sources including to and then from Wikipedia without proper citation (or inherent permissions) of their source. Such poor scientific etiquette is easy for me to detect and reflects badly on these authors. [ Back]


d The Clausius Clapeyron equation. On a phase line, the Gibbs free energies of the two phases (G1, G2) must be equal and remain equal if conditions change causing movement along the phase line. Thus


Change in Gibbs free energy with temperature at constant pressure plus change in Gibbs free energy with pressure at constant temperature is constant

But, Change in Gibbs free energy with temperature at constant pressure is the entropy where S is the entropy, and Change in Gibbs free energy with pressure  at constant temperature is the volume where V is the volume


change in pressure with temperature equals the change in entropy with volume which equals the latent heat for the phase change divided by the temperature times the change in volume

where L is the latent heat (enthalpy change) for the phase change. This is the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. It can also be stated as

dT/dP = TΔV/ΔH = ΔV/ΔS


where P, T, H, V, and S are the pressure, temperature, enthalpy, volume, and entropy. This may be extended to be


dT/dP=T(sign α2V2 - sign α1V1)ΔV/ΔH


where α represents the thermal expansion coefficients, for use with phases with negative expansion coefficients including the ice phase changes

LDA-->Ic, HDA-->LDA, LDA-->HDA, III-->V, V-->VI, VI-->VII and VI-->VIII



At a triple point, the Gibbs free energies of the three phases (G1, G2, G3) must be equal and the entropy and enthalpy (latent heat) changes for all three phase changes (1goes to2, 2goes to3, 1goes to3) at that point may be calculated, given the pressure, temperature (change in pressure with temperature) and volume changes. [Back]

e The phase diagram for heavy water (D2O) differs little from the diagram for H2O given the scales used in the diagram. A more accurate representation would be by shifting the temperature scale by about 3.6 K as most of the triple points for D2O are 3 - 4 K warmer than those for H2O (see above). The pressure differences are positive or negative but not significant given the logarithmic scale used. [Back]


f The phase diagram of water for negative pressure has been described [2666]. [Back]




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This page was established in 2000 and last updated by Martin Chaplin on 25 February, 2020

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