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Water Structure and Science, References 1 - 100

  1. C. H. Cho, S. Singh and G. W. Robinson, Liquid water and biological systems: the most important problem in science that hardly anyone wants to see solved, Faraday Discussions, 103 (1996) 19-27. [Back]
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  76. E. Tombari, C. Ferrari and G. Salvetti, Heat capacity anomaly in a large sample of supercooled water, Chemical Physics Letters, 300 (1999) 749-751. [Back]
  77. W. A. P. Luck, The importance of cooperativity for the properties of liquid water, Journal of Molecular Structure, 448 (1998) 131-142. [Back]
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    (The original SPC reference is H. J. C. Berendsen, J. P. M. Postma, W. F. van Gunsteren and J. Hermans, in B. Pullman (ed.), Intermolecular Forces (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1981) p331.)
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  99. L. Pauling, The Nature, of the Chemical Bond, 2nd ed. (Cornell University Press, New York, 1948). [Back, 2, 3]
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