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Water Structure and Science, References 1201 - 1300


  1. L. Cordone, G. Cottone and S. Giuffrida, Role of residual water hydrogen-bonding in sugar/water/biomolecule systems: a possible explanation for trehalose peculiarity, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 19 (2007) 205110. [Back]
  2. O. Andersson and A. Inaba, Thermal conductivity of crystalline and amorphous ices and its implications on amorphization and glassy water, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 7 (2005) 1441-1449; G. P. Johari and O. Andersson, Vibrational and relaxational properties of crystalline and amorphous ices,Thermochimica Acta, 461 (2007) 14-43. [Back, 2, 3]
  3. Q. Wang, L. Li, G. Chen and Y. Yang, Effects of magnetic field on the sol-gel transition of methycellulose in water, Carbohydrate Polymers 70 (2007) 345-349. [Back]
  4. A. M. Silva, J. Wang, R. N. Pierson Jr, ZM. Wang, J. Spivack, D. B. Allison, S. B. Heymsfield, L. B. Sardinha and S. Heshka, Extracellular water across the adult lifespan: reference values for adults, Physiol. Meas. 28 (2007) 489–502. [Back]
  5. (a) V. Buch, A. Milet, R. Vácha, P.l Jungwirth and J. P. Devlin, Water surface is acidic, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104 (2007) 7342-7347. Note that the conclusions of this paper concerning neutral solutions are disputed. (b) R. Vácha, V. Buch, A. Milet, J. P. Devlin and P. Jungwirth, Autoionization at the surface of neat water: is the top layer pH neutral, basic, or acidic? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 9 (2007) 4736-4747. (c) J. K. Beattie, Comment on Autoionization at the surface of neat water: is the top layer pH neutral, basic, or acidic? by R. Vácha, V. Buch, A. Milet, J. P. Devlin and P. Jungwirth, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2007, 9, 4736, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10 (2008) 330-331; (d) R. Vácha, V. Buch, A. Milet, J. P. Devlin and P. Jungwirth, Response to comment on Autoionization at the surface of neat water: is the top layer pH neutral, basic, or acidic? by J. K. Beattie, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10 (2008) 332-333; (e) P. B. Petersen, R. J. Saykally, Is the liquid water surface basic or acidic? Macroscopic vs. molecular-scale investigations, Chemical Physics Letters, 458 (2008) 255-261; (f) J. K. Beattie, A. M. Djerdjev and G. G. Warr, The surface of water is basic, Faraday Discussions, 141 (2008) 31-39; (g) B. Winter, M. Faubel, R. Vácha, P. Jungwirth, Behavior of hydroxide at the water/vapor interface, Chemical Physics Letters, 474 (2009) 241-247; (h) J. K. Beattie, Comment on ‘Behaviour of Hydroxide at the Water/Vapor Interface’ [Chemical Physics Letters, 474 (2009) 241], Chemical Physics Letters, 481 (2009) 17-18; (i) B. Winter, M. Faubel, R. Vácha, P. Jungwirth, Reply to comments on frontier article “Behavior of Hydroxide at the Water/Vapor Interface”, Chemical Physics Letters, 481 (2009) 19-21; (j) A. Gray-Weale, Comment on ‘Behaviour of hydroxide at the water/vapor interface’ [Chemical Physics Letters, 474 (2009) 241], Chemical Physics Letters, 481 (2009) 22–24; (k) C.J. Mundy, I-F. W. Kuo, M. E. Tuckerman, H-S. Lee, D. J. Tobias, Hydroxide anion at the air-water interface, Chemical Physics Letters, 481 (2009) 2-8; (l) P. Creux, J. Lachaise, A. Graciaa, J. K. Beattie and A. M. Djerdjev, Strong specific hydroxide ion binding at the pristine oil/water and air/water interfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 113 (2009) 14146-14150; (m) A. Gray-Weale and J. K. Beattie, An explanation for the charge on water's surface, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11 (2009) 10994-11005. [Back, 2]
  6. (a) M. F. Chaplin, The memory of water; an overview, Homeopathy, 96 (2007) 143-150; (b) P. Wilson, Comment on "The memory of water; an overview", Homeopathy, 97 (2008) 42-43. (c) M. F. Chaplin, Reply to Comment on "The memory of water; an overview", Homeopathy, 97 (2008) 43-44. (d) P. Fisher, The memory of water: a scientific heresy? Homeopathy, 96 (2007) 141-142. (e) P. Fisher, On the plausibility of Homeopathy, Homeopathy, 97 (2008) 1-2. [Back]
  7. D. J. Anick and J. A. Ives, The silica hypothesis for homeopathy: physical chemistry, Homeopathy, 96 (2007) 203-209. [Back, 2]
  8. A, Zaks and A. M. Klibanov, Enzymatic catalysis in nonaqueous solvents. J. Biol. Chem. 263 (1988) 3194-3201. [Back]
  9. J. Teixeira, Can water possibly have a memory? A sceptical view, Homeopathy, 96 (2007) 158-162. [Back]
  10. D. J. Anick, The octave potencies convention: a mathematical model of dilution and succussion, Homeopathy, 96 (2007) 202-208. [Back]
  11. Y. Thomas, The history of the memory of water, Homeopathy, 96 (2007) 151-157. (b) F. Beauvais, Memory of water and blinding, Homeopathy, 97 (2008) 41-42. [Back, 2]
  12. K. Takaizumi, A curious phenomenon in the freezing–thawing process of aqueous ethanol solution, J. Solution Chemistry, 34 (2005) 597-612. [Back]
  13. C. Nieto-Draghi, R. Hargreaves and S. P. Bates, Structure and dynamics of water in aqueous methanol, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17 (2005) S3265–S3272. [Back]
  14. G. Jákli, The H2O-D2O solvent isotope effects on the molar volumes of alkali-chloride
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  16. V. Kräutler, M. Müller and P. H. Hünenberger, Conformation, dynamics, solvation and relative stabilities of selected β-hexopyranoses in water: a molecular dynamics study with the GROMOS 45A4 force field, Carbohydate Research, 342 (2007) 2097-2124. [Back]
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  20. A. K. Lyashchenko and I. M. Karataeva, Relation of water activity to the static dielectric constant of concentrated electrolyte solutions, Doklady Physical Chemistry 414 (2007) 120-122. [Back]
  21. T. Tsukamoto, Y. Ishikawa, T. Natsume, K. Dedachi and N. Kurita, A combined molecular dynamics/density-functional theoretical study on the structure and electronic properties of hydrating water molecules in the minor groove of decameric DNA duplex, Chemical Physics Letters, 441 (2007) 136-142. [Back]
  22. E. A. Kadyshevich and V. E. Ostrovskii, Hypothetical physicochemical mechanisms of some intracellular processes: The hydrate hypothesis of mitosis and DNA replication,Thermochimica Acta, 458 (2007) 148-161. [Back]
  23. T. Liu, E. Diemann and A. Müller, Hydrophilic inorganic macro-ions in solution: Unprecedented self-ssembly emerging from historical "Blue waters", Journal of Chemical Education, 84 (2007) 526-532. [Back]
  24. P. E. Mason and J. W. Brady, “Tetrahedrality” and the relationship between collective structure and radial distribution functions in liquid water, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (2007) 5669-5679. [Back, 2]
  25. R. Souda, Two liquid phases of water in the deeply supercooled region and their roles in crystallization and formation of LiCl solution, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (2007) 5628-5634. [Back] [Back to Top to top of page]
  26. B. Kamb and B. L. Davis, Ice VII, the densest form of ice, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 52 (1964) 1433-1439. [Back]
  27. B. Winter, E. F. Aziz, U. Hergenhahn, M. Faubel and I. V. Hertel, Hydrogen bonds in liquid water studied by photoelectron spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics,126 (2007) 124504. [Back, 2]
  28. J. L. F. Abascal and C. Vega, The melting point of hexagonal ice (Ih) is strongly dependent on the quadrupole of the water models, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 9 (2007) 2775-2778. [Back]
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  30. I.Takei, Dielectric relaxation of ice samples grown from vapor-phase or liquid-phase water, in Physics and Chemistry of Ice, ed. W. Kuhs (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2007) pp. 577-584; I. Takei, Dielectric response of Ice Ih: Signals perpendicular to an electric field of 1Hz to 1MHz applied to a cube sample, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87 (2018) 084707. [Back]
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  32. (a) X. Huang, C. J. Margulis and B. J. Berne, Do molecules as small as neopentane induce a hydrophobic response similar to that of large hydrophobic surfaces? Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (2003) 11742-11748; (b) G. Graziano, Comment on “Do molecules as small as neopentane induce a hydrophobic response similar to that of large hydrophobic surfaces?” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (2004) 9371-9372; (c) X. Huang, C. J. Margulis and B. J. Berne, Reply to the Comment on “ Do molecules as small as neopentane induce a hydrophobic response similar to that of large hydrophobic surfaces?", Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (2004) 9373-9374. [Back]
  33. M. C. Stumpe and H. Grubmüller, Aqueous urea solutions: structure, energetics, and urea aggregation, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (2007) 6220-6228. [Back]
  34. K. Abe, Y. Ootake and T. Shigenari, Raman scattering study of proton ordered ice XI single crystal, in Physics and Chemistry of Ice, ed. W. Kuhs (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2007) pp. 101-108; K. Abe and T. Shigenari, Raman spectra of proton ordered phase XI of ICE I. Translational vibrations below 350 cm-1, Journal of Chemical Physics,134 (2011) 104506. [Back]
  35. A. Baranyai, A. Bartók and A. A. Chialvo, On the performance of simple planar models of water in the vapor and the ice phases, in Physics and Chemistry of Ice, ed. W. Kuhs (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2007) pp. 109-115. [Back]
  36. (a) T. C. Hansen, A. Falenty and W. F. Kuhs, Modelling ice Ic of different origin and stacking-faulted hexagonal ice using neutron powder diffraction data, in Physics and Chemistry of Ice, ed. W. Kuhs (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2007) pp. 201-208; (b) E. B. Moore and V. Molinero, Is it cubic? Ice crystallization from deeply supercooled water, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (2011) 20008-20016; (c) T. L. Malkin, B. J. Murray, A. V. Brukhno, J. Anwar and C. G. Salzmann, Structure of ice crystallized from supercooled water, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (2012)1041-1045; Correction for Malkin et al., Structure of ice crystallized from supercooled water, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (2012) 4020; (d) W. F. Kuhs, C. Sippel, A. Falenty and T. C. Hansen, Extent and relevance of stacking disorder in “ice Ic”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (2012) 21259-21264; (e) T. L. Malkin, B. J. Murray, C. G. Salzmann, V. Molinero, S. J. Pickering and T. F. Whale, Stacking disorder in ice I, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2015) 60-76. [Back, 2, 3]
  37. S. Jenkins, S. R. Kirk and P. W. Ayers, Topological transitions between ice phases, in Physics and Chemistry of Ice, ed. W. Kuhs (Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2007) pp. 248-256. [Back]
  38. M. Le Berre and Y. Pomeau, Theory of ice-skating, J. Non-Linear Mechanics 75 (2015) 77-86; [Back]
  39. M. Nakada, O. Yamamuro, K. Maruyama and M. Misawa, Hydrophobic hydration and anomalous excess partial molar volume of tert-butyl alcohol–water mixture studied by quasielastic neutron scattering, Journal of Phys. Soc. Japan 76 (2007) 054601. [Back]
  40. M. Matsumoto, Relevance of hydrogen bond definitions in liquid water, Journal of Chemical Physics,126 (2007) 054503. [Back]
  41. A. Baranyai and A. Bartók, Classical interaction model for the water molecule, Journal of Chemical Physics,126 (2007) 184508. [Back]
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  43. (a) R. Zangi, M. Hagen and B. J. Berne, Effect of ions on the hydrophobic interaction between two plates, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129 (2007) 4678-4686. (b) R. Zangi and B. J. Berne, Aggregation and dispersion of small hydrophobic particles in aqueous electrolyte solutions, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (2006) 22736-22741. [Back]
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