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Water Structure and Science, References 401 - 500


  1. J. C. Smith, F. Merzel, C. S. Verma and S. Fischer, Protein hydration water: structure and thermodynamics, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 101 (2002) 27-33. [Back]
  2. P. A. Netz, F. Starr, M. C. Barbosa and H. E. Stanley, Translational and rotational diffusion in stretched water, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 101 (2002) 159-168. [Back, 2]
  3. M. Henry, Thermodynamics of hydrogen bond patterns in supramolecular assemblies of water molecules, ChemPhysChem 3 (2002) 607-616. This paper describes the PACHA methodology for uncovering the preferred hydrogen bonding patterns in hydrogen-bonded assemblies. [Back, 2]
  4. I. A. Stepanov, Thermodynamics of substances with negative thermal expansion coefficient, Computer modelling & New Technologies, 4 (2000) 72-74 (I. A. Stepanov reports that there is a misprint in Eq. (11) The correct equation is: for α < 0, CV = CPkS/kT). I. A. Stepanov, First law of thermodynamics for materials with
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    X-ray spectroscopy, Journal of Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 177 (2010) 181-191. K. M. Lange, R. Könnecke, S. Ghadimi, R. Golnak, M. A. Soldatov, K. Hodeck, A. Soldatov and E. F. Aziz, High resolution X-ray emission spectroscopy of water and aqueous ions using the micro-jet technique, Chemical Physics, 377 (2010) 1-5. [Back, 2, 3]
  12. A. Ben-Naim, Molecular recognition-viewed through the eyes of the solvent, Biophysical Chemistry, 101-102 (2002) 309-319. [Back]
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  14. R. S. Phillips, How does active site water affect enzymatic stereorecognition? Journal of Mol. Cat. B: Enz. 19-20 (2002) 103-107. R. M. Lemieux, How water provides the impetus for molecular recognition in aqueous solution, Accounts of Chemical Research, 29 (1996) 373-380. [Back]
  15. K. R. Wilson, R. D. Schaller, D. T. Co, R. J. Saykally, B. S. Rude, T. Catalano and J. D. Bozek, Surface relaxation in liquid water and methanol studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics,117 (2002 ) 7738-7744. [Back, 2]
  16. C-J. Tsai, J. V. Maizel and R. Nussinov, The hydrophobic effect: A new insight from cold denaturation and a two-state water structure, Critical Reviews of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 37 (2002) 55-69. [Back]
  17. A. Müller, H. Bögge and E. Diemann, Structure of a cavity-encapsulated nanodrop of water, Inorg. Chem. Commun. 6 (2003) 52-53; Corrigendum: A. Müller, H. Bögge and E. Diemann, Inorg. Chem. Commun. 6 (2003) 329; M. Garcia-Ratés, P. Miró, J. M. Poblet, C. Bo and J. B. Avalo, Dynamics of encapsulated water inside Mo132 cavities, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115 (2011),5980-5992. [Back, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  18. M. C. Jarvis, Interconversion of the Ia snd Ib crystalline forms of cellulose by bending, Carbohydrate Research, 325 (2000) 150-154. [Back]
  19. H. E. Stanley, M. C. Barbosa, S. Mossa, P. A. Netz, F. Sciortino, F. W. Starr and M. Yamada, Statistical physics and liquid water at negative pressures, Physica A 315 (2002) 281-289. [Back, 2]
  20. Danielewicz-Ferchmin and A. R. Ferchmin, Phase diagram of electrostricted H2O at surfaces of electrodes at 273-373 K: Electric critical point of water, ChemPhysChem 6 (2005) 1499-1509. [Back]
  21. J. L. Finney, D. T. Bowron, A. K. Soper, T. Loerting, E. Mayer, and A. Hallbrucker, Structure of a new dense amorphous ice, Physical Review Letters 89 (2002) 205503. [Back]
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  23. A. Catenaccio, Y. Daruich and C. Magallanes, Temperature dependence of the permittivity of water, Chemical Physics Letters, 367 (2003) 669-671. [Back]
  24. Y. Sinyak, A. Grigoriev, V. Gaydadimov, T. Gurieva, M. Levinskih and B. Pokrovskii, Deuterium-free water (1H2O) in complex life-support systems of long-term space missions, Acta Astronautica 52 (2003) 575-580. [Back, 2]
  25. K. R. Harris, Isotope effects and the thermal offset effect for diffusion and viscosity coefficients of liquid water, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4 (2002) 5841-5845. [Back] [Back to Top to top of page]
  26. N. Su and C-F. Wu, Effect of magnetic field treated water on mortar and concrete containing fly ash, Cem. Concr. Comp. 25 (2003) 681-688. [Back]
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  29. D. J. Anick, unpublished results (2002), but see [435]. [Back]
  30. K. Modig and B. Halle, Proton magnetic shielding tensor in liquid water, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (2002) 12031-12041. [Back, 2]
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  35. D. J. Anick, Polyhedral water clusters, I: Formal consequences of the ice rules, Journal of Molecular Structure, (Theochem) 587 (2002) 87-96; D. J. Anick, Polyhedral water clusters, II: correlations of connectivity parameters with electronic energy and hydrogen bond lengths, Journal of Molecular Structure, (Theochem) 587 (2002) 97-110. [Back, 2]
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  46. C. P. Lawrence and J. L. Skinner, Vibrational spectroscopy of HOD in liquid D2O. III. Spectral diffusion, and hydrogen-bonding and rotational dynamics, Journal of Chemical Physics, 118 (2003) 264-272. [Back]
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  48. J. A. Padró and J. Marti, An interpretation of the low-frequency spectrum of liquid water, Journal of Chemical Physics, 118 (2003) 452-453. [Back]
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  50. (a) S. B. Kiselev and J. F. Ely, Physical limit of stability in supercooled D2O and D2O+H2O mixtures, Journal of Chemical Physics, 118 (2003) 680-689; (b) O. Mishima, Liquid-liquid critical point in heavy water, Physical Review Letters, 85 (2000) 334-336. [Back] [Back to Top to top of page]
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  52. K. Coutinho, R. C. Guedes, B. J. C. Cabral and S. Canuto, Electronic polarization of liquid water: converged Monte Carlo-quantum mechanics results for the multipole moments, Chemical Physics Letters, 369 (2003) 345-353. [Back, 2, 3]
  53. Y. Tu and A. Laaksonen, The electronic properties of water molecules in water clusters and liquid water, Chemical Physics Letters, 329 (2000) 283-288. [Back, 2]
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  55. N. J. English and J. M. D. MacElroy, Molecular dynamics simulations of microwave heating of water, Journal of Chemical Physics,118 (2003) 1589-1592. [Back, 2]
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  57. (a) T. Koop, B. Luo, A. Tsias and T. Peter, Water activity as the determinant for homogeneous ice nucleation in aqueous solution, Nature, 406 (2000) 611-614. (b) T. Koop, The water activity of aqueous solutions in equilibrium with ice, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 75 (2002) 2587-2588. [Back, 2, 3]
  58. K. Modig, B. G. Pfrommer and B. Halle, Temperature-dependent hydrogen-bond geometry in liquid water, Physical Review Letters 90 (2003) 075502. [Back, 2]
  59. (a) R. M. Pashley, Effect of degassing on the formation and stability of surfactant-free emulsions and fine teflon dispersions, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (2003) 1714-1720; see also [3450], (b) D. Schwendel, H. Hayashi, R. Dahint, A. Pertsin, M. Grunze, R. Steitz and F. Schreiber, Interaction of water with self-assembled monolayers: Neutron reflectivity measurements of the water density in the interface region, Langmuir, 19 (2003) 2284-2293. [Back, 2, 3]
  60. C. G. Salzmann, I. Kohl, T. Loerting, E. Mayer and A. Hallbrucker, Raman spectroscopic study on hydrogen-bonding in recovered ice IV, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (2003) 2802-2807. [Back]
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