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AN/TPS-59 (V)3

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics
(click to enlarge: 300·382px = 81 kByte)

Figure 1: AN/TPS-59

frequency: 1,215-1,400 MHz
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 180 and 625 Hz
pulsewidth (τ): 0.18 and 1 ms
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 46 kW
average power:
instrumented range: 7 -
range resolution: 43 m
beamwidth: ε: <1.7°, (1.4° low angle)
β: 3,2°
hits per scan: 1 - 3
antenna rotation: 5 or 10 s
MTBCF: > 1 000 hrs
MTTR: < 40 min

AN/TPS-59 (V)3

The TPS-59 is an all solid-state L-Band, three-dimensional air defense radar which provides long-range surveillance and ground-control intercept capability in a tactically mobile environment.

Developed for the United States Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and the United States Marine Corps, the TPS-59 (V)3 is designed to operate with HAWK and Patriot. When integrated with HAWK, the TPS-59 (V)3/HAWK system is the most cost effective TMD system currently in production with successfully validated performance against ballistic missiles as well as air breathing threats. The radar has been designed to be rapidly transported by truck, helicopter, or C-130 cargo plane.

The TPS-59 radar's 740 km range and full 360° azimuth scan results in a surveillance volume of 603 million km³ for tactical missile defense.

AN/TPS-59 (V)3 brochure
(click to open the PDF-document: 142 kByte

Figure 2: Preview of the leaflet


  1. David Knox Barton: “Radar System Analysis and Modeling,” Artech House Publishers, 2005, ISBN 1580536816 S.334 (online preview)