www.radartutorial.eu www.radartutorial.eu Christian Wolff – Engineering Consultant

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This home page is designed and maintained by:

Christian Wolff

freelanced radar engineer

Josefine-Clouth-Straße 14
50733 Köln

Tel.: +49 221 98655020

Dipl. Ing. (FH) Christian Wolff

Since 2006, the engineering consultant Christian Wolff has developed radar systems and application-oriented components in the frequency range between 1 GHz and 25 GHz for pedagogical purposes. The development covers design and construction of the overall concept and the optimization of the system. There are to be used if possible standard components in order to keep the price of the whole system as low as possible. Where this is not possible or where required by manufacturers of too high prices, then there are also computed and designed own assemblies optimized by way of measurement techniques.

Christian Wolff is an instructor for international basic radar courses.

“To love what you do and feel what it matters -
how could anything be more fun?” Katherine Graham

All pages were manually coded by the author using various notepad programs.

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