www.radartutorial.eu www.radartutorial.eu Radar Basics

Chapter: Radar Transmitter

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Figure 1: Preview of internet representation

Figure 1: The In-Phase and Quadrature- part of nonlinear frequency modulated transmitting pulses

The In-Phase part of a nonlinear frequency modulated transmitting pulse The Quadrature-part of a nonlinear frequency modulated transmitting pulse

Figure 1: The In-Phase and Quadrature- part of nonlinear frequency modulated transmitting pulses

A radar transmitter generates RF- energy necessary for scanning the free space. The often very large amount of energy must be modulated by a pulse from the synchronizer in a specific time pattern to obtain a time reference for time measurement of the signal.

Learning Objectives

This chapter describes the different types of transmitters used in radar sets. Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to: