www.radartutorial.eu www.radartutorial.eu Radar Basics

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Menü IE6.0: Extras/Internetoptionen
(click to enlarge: 456·470px = 51 kByte)
Figure 1: Menue in IE6.0 : Extras/Options

Menue in FireFox : File/Page Setup
(click to enlarge: 516·413px = 51 kByte)
Figure 2: Menue in FireFox : File/Page Setup


Every page of this homepage is designed for an easy printout. Sometimes (e.g. the background pictures in tables) you need the background too. All pictures have got a derivated version with a light-colored background for printers. I would therefore recommend that you choose the option „Print Background”.

Using the browser FireFox you'll get best results at a rescaling of 100%. This option you'll find in the menue File/Page Setup.

Virtual Oscilloskope

A lot of wiring and block diagrams shows test-points. Her you can use the mouse pointer as a probe for a virtual oscilloskope and a popup-window will show a scan of a real oscilloscope. For this function you have to enable „Javascript” and to disable some PopUp-Blockers. (Example given)

…a link to this site:

If you want to take a link including a preview of the start page of this “Radar Tutorial”, then you can copy 'n paste the following HTML-sequence into the source of your own pages:

<a href="http://www.radartutorial.eu/index.html">
<img src="http://www.radartutorial.eu/pic/preview.new.png" width="160" height="100" align="left" alt="Radar Basics">
&nbsp;<b>Radar Basics</b>&nbsp;</a> <i><small>on www.radartutorial.eu</small></i>
<br>&nbsp;Free documents about radar technology, structure and applications
<br>&nbsp;<small>This is a home page of radar practitioner with 35 years military experience.
<br>&nbsp;There are some very well explained radar fundamentals there.</small>

It will be looks like this (But text and background will be in the colors of your page.):
Radargrundlagen  Radar Basics  on www.radartutorial.eu
 Free documents about radar technology, structure and applications
 This is a home page of radar practitioner with 35 years military experience.
 There are some very well explained radar fundamentals there.