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Usage Statistics

Statistics in which the counting methods change within the periods under consideration are meaningless! For this reason, the previous form of statistics cannot be continued. The old data can still be retrieved in the archive, but cannot be compared with the new data.

For example, earlier, when the same IP dialed into the homepage at two different times, this was counted as two visits. The interval between these two times of visits to recognize one or two visits was 30 minutes. (The assignment of an IP to a user could have changed during this time. In the new server operating system, this process is always counted as one visitor.

However, this homepage is used as a reference book in many internal networks (universities, companies), which appears to the outside as a single IP. These universities and companies are counted as a single visitor now. Although the log files have become the same size in terms of volume and in some cases even larger, only about 60 to 70% of the previously counted data is still recorded. A continuous statistic is therefore no longer possible. Obviously, this new internal counting method has been adapted to the external counting method of services such as Alexa, which cannot register the visitors' traffic if the pixel, script or byte to be counted is already stored in the user's cache.

In the following table, only the current monthly values are listed:

Visitors Visits Pages Hits GiBytes
Mai 201990 901133 173375 1344 845 117199,88
June 201977 906121 741335 8924 545 977164,65