www.radartutorial.eu www.radartutorial.eu Radar Basics

Advertising on the Radartutorial

Why does advertising appear on this homepage at all?

The goals of this homepage are benefit to the public but this non-profit goal is not be tax effective in Germany. For that I would have to be formally at least an association… but as a single person I cannot become that. Some companies recognize the usefulness of this homepage for their internal vocational colleges and support me with donations. However, they cannot deduct these donations from their taxes because the charitable status required is not officially recognised.

So I return the favour by showing an advertising banner on this homepage for these companies that support me with money or contributions in kind. And lo and behold: these donations are now tax-deductible as income-related expenses!

Why do you need to advertise on this home page?

As you can see by viewing the statistics this home page have visits from quite a number of people. These are most young people, students from all over the world. Consultancy services use this home page often too, e.g. to serch addresses from manufacturers of radar components both at home and abroad. This site occupies a top position in Google for most radar-related keywords!

In contrast to a Google ad, your advertisement also appears on the off-line versions of the radar tutorial. It is usually not recognized by ad blockers as advertising, so it cannot be blocked.

The home page Radartutorial is designed for educational purposes. The advertising has to be subordinate to the usability of the home page as learning aid. If you want to canvass onto these pages the advertisung has to comply with the following requirements:

The ad block is the same within a chapter and will be represented on all pages of one language. It is possible to publish your ad on more than one language or more than one chapter too. The ads are pictures in the size of 140 × 80 to 140 × 200 pixels. If you want to use this service please contact the author of the page.

What is the income used for?

Certainly not for a living. I'm getting a very good pension. The income from the advertising is sufficient to run this homepage here, to pay the server and the DSL line as well as to buy the office supplies, which I then (because of this “income”) have to spend exclusively for the tax office to prove to them that this income is only minor.

If there is still something left, then it will be invested in material with which I construct the didactic radar sets, which are presented on this homepage. I always wonder about the prices of the material: this complete satellite dish is cheaper to buy than a piece of unprocessed aluminium sheet of the same size. For the price of the 8 zinc cast mounting brackets, which are needed for a more stable tripod, I get a complete heavy tripod for a camera.

Why is our company not listed in your manufacturer directory?

In general: this homepage has only didactic goals. It is not a web directory for radar manufacturers! Only those companies are listed in the list of manufacturers whose products are mentioned on this homepage in connection with any training objective.

If you are of the opinion that of all things your product should be mentioned on this homepage, then you must send me material about your product, which is suitable to make a training topic more descriptive. It is not enough simply to refer to your own homepage, because there everything would be to be read... No, I would like exclusive material - even if it is only the same picture but at least in a much higher resolution.

Why doesn't Radartutorial use a more secure SSL/https key?

SSL/https unfortunately has the disadvantage that it increases traffic, firstly because the encrypted data is larger than the unencrypted data and secondly because more control information is exchanged over the line to establish a secure https connection. Therefore, https is usually not used on servers whose information is not vital for survival.

The information on the Radartutorial is all freely accessible. No user-specific data is collected and therefore there is no incentive for criminal actions by hackers. Https would therefore be a completely unnecessary effort and would be comparable to encrypting a newspaper just so that no one else can read it.

Yes, I know that Google uses this encryption as an argument for a better ranking. But I don't care about that. More important for me is that pupils and students from poor countries, who simply can't afford expensive technical literature because its price means an average annual income in poor countries, can use the Radartutorial free of charge and barrier.