Chapter “Mathematically Basics of Radar Technology”

Figure 1: Preview of internet representation

Figure 1: Radar principle
Learning Objectives
The learning objectives are a preview of the information you are expected to learn in this chapter. This first chapter of the Radartutorial deals with the mathematical basics of Radar Technology. This chapter provides the basis for understanding the subsequent chapter on the specific subsystem modules. It is intended to give a background in radar theory, including radar principles, propagation, radar signals, resolution, and the radar equation. At the end of this chapter, students should understand the fundamentals of radar and recognize the key performance parameters associated with primary radar specifications.
This chapter gives an overview of mathematical and physical basics.

Figure 2: Radar principle: The measuring of a round trip time of a microwave pulse
The student should be able to:
- explain the basic operation of radar systems;
- define the range, bearing, and altitude as they relate to radar system;
- discuss how pulse width, peak power, and beamwidth affect radar performance;
- describe the factors that contribute to or deteriorate from radar accuracy;
- know the advantages of a frequency diversity radar;
- using a block diagram, describe the basic function, principles of operation, and interrelationships of the basic units of radar system.
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Radar Basics - Book 1, “Mathematically Basics of Radar Technology”, (18 pages, 891 kByte)
Table of Contents
Basic Principle of Operation
Block diagram of a primary radar
Radar Principle
Maximum Unambiguous Range
Minimal Measuring Range
Measuring of Elevation Angle
Calculation of Height
The Radar Equation
The Radar Equation in Practice
Frequency Diversity Radar
Radar Equation of a Frequency Diversity Radar
Radars Accuracy
Range Resolution
Angular Resolution
The Resolution Cell
Dwell Time and Hits per Scan
Time-dependences in Radar
Timing and Control: The Radar Trigger
Training questions