Training questions
Please try to answer some of the more frequently asked training
questions in written form.
In answering these questions perhaps you could
print out this page.
Please respond to these specific questions about radar basics. The reasonable time to frame the answers is about 30 minutes. You can use a pocket calculator, but the chosen here numerical examples are optimized to perform with mental arithmetic.
- Specify the flow of radar signals from the originating device in radar set to the users display!
- Describe the field of functions of a duplexer and
state a case on that condition radar can work without a duplexer.
- A frequency-diversity radar with two identically transmitters use one transmitter only.
- Please calculate the decreasing the range of the radar
(without consideration of the fluctuation loss) according to the radar equation.
- How the additional influence of the fluctuation loss affect the radar range tendentiously?
- Please calculate the decreasing the range of the radar
(without consideration of the fluctuation loss) according to the radar equation.
- The transmitters pulse width of a pulse radar is 1,5 µs and the duplexers recovery time is 0,5 µs. How far-off the antenna an airplane must be located at the least as to be detected by the radar?