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AN/MPQ-64 “Sentinel”

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics
AN/MPQ 64 “Sentinel”
(click to enlarge: 356·450px = 28 kByte

Figure 1: AN/MPQ 64 “Sentinel”

frequency: X-Band
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF):
pulsewidth (τ):
receive time:
dead time:
peak power:
average power:
instrumented range: 40 km (upgraded:75 km)
range resolution:
hits per scan:
antenna rotation: 15 rpm ,virtual: 30 rpm
(with electronic back-scan)

AN/MPQ-64 “Sentinel”

The U.S. Army’s Next Generation Tactical Air Defense Sensor:

The AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel is a three-dimensional, phased-array system that operates in the X-Band to automatically detect, track, identify, classify, and report airborne threats, including helicopters, high-speed attack aircraft, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles. This surveillance radar detects and tracks threat aircraft at several times the range of short-range weapons, providing early warning to ground crews and supporting maximum-range engagement of threats. Worldwide requirements for the Sentinel are in excess of 200 systems, with more than 100 delivered or in production. A preplanned product improvement program is underway which provides an 80% increase in radar detection range.

Integrated Battlefield Management:

Sentinel command posts activate weapon control orders and provide target-weapon pairing. The Sentinel configuration also allows weapons, radars, and command posts to operate from widely dispersed battlefield positions. Sentinel provides alerting and cueing of targets to a variety of weapons, including Hawk, Surface Launched AMRAAM, Stinger, antiaircraft guns, and other SHORAD/VSHORAD-class weapons.

Troop Protection:

Accurate and quick reacting, Sentinel acquires targets far enough from friendly forces to allow sufficient reaction time for their air defense weapons to engage the targets at optimal range. The system also includes an integrated identification friend or foe (IFF) capability that helps prevent fratricide (AN/TPX-56).

(click to expand: 270 kByte

Figure 1: Preview of the Leaflet

Source: Fact sheet of ThalesRaytheonSystems