www.radartutorial.eu www.radartutorial.eu Card Index of Radar Sets - Naval Radars


Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: AN/SPG-55B

Figure 1: AN/SPG-55B

frequency: 5 400 … 5 900 MHz
( C-Band)
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 427 Hz
pulsewidth (τ): 0.1; 12; 13 µs
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 1 MW
average power:
instrumented range: 148 NM (≙ 275 km)
range resolution:
beamwidth: 1.6°
hits per scan:
antenna rotation:


The AN/SPG-55 was a tracking and illumination radar for Terrier, Standard SM-1 and Standard SM-2 surface-to-air missile systems. It was used for target tracking and missile guidance on numerous ships of the US and a number of allied navies. The AN/SPG-55 was part of the Mk 76 missile fire control system. The radar includes a C-band pulse transmitter and receiver for target tracking, and an X-band CW- transmitter for target illumination and a receiver for Doppler target tracking.

The AN/SPG-55 having been first deployed in 1961. It has been modified several times since then, the latest modification being designated Mod 10.