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S 1850 M

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: S 1850 M “on shore leave”

Figure 1: S 1850 M “on shore leave”

frequency: L-Band
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF):
pulsewidth (τ):
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 132 kW
average power: 5 kW
instrumented range: 400 km
range resolution:
hits per scan:
antenna rotation:

S 1850 M

The S 1850 M is an operating in L-Band electronically stabilized, multibeam, long-range, 3-D surveillance radar for both air and surface detection. It is a derivative of SMART-L using parts of Martello S 723. The S 1850 M is manufactured by the British company BAE Systems in cooperation with Thales Naval Nederland. The original designation Smartello as a contraction of Smart and Marconi Martello was discarded. The manufacturers internal designation is TRS-3505 or DRBV 27.

The radar system has a slightly higher rotation speed, improved anti-jamming capabilities, a flexible signal processor and local consoles. It can track up to 1 000 air targets with fully automatic detection and track initiation.

S 1850 M is installed on the Horizon frigates for the French and Italian navies and the Type 45 destroyers (also known as the D or Daring class) of the Royal Navy. It has also been selected for the UK’s Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carriers.