1 : Preliminaries   6 :   Dynamics I 11 : Star Formation  16 : Cosmology
2 : Morphology   7 :   Ellipticals 12 : Interactions 17 : Structure Growth 
3 : Surveys 8 :   Dynamics II 13 : Groups & Clusters  18 : Galaxy Formation 
4 : Lum. Functions  9 :   Gas & Dust   14 : Nuclei & BHs 19 : Reionization & IGM  
5 : Spirals 10 : Populations    15 : AGNs & Quasars 20 : Dark Matter





(1) Introduction

(a) Spiral Galaxies are Complex Systems

Disk galaxies appear to be more complex than ellipticals

(b) Review of Basic Components [image]


(2) 3-D Shapes

(a) Disks

(b) Bulges

(c) Bars


(3) Surface Photometry

Model as two components: bulge and disk   [image]

(a) Radial Profiles

(b) Vertical Disk Structure


(4) Disk Velocity Field

(a) Gas Rotation Curves

(b) Stellar Velocities in the Disk

(c) 2-D Velocity Fields: Spider Diagrams


(5) Scaling Relations

(a) Vmax and the Tully-Fisher Relation


(6) Mass Estimates and Dark Matter Halos

(a) Deriving M(r) from Vc(r)

(b) Results from Optical Rotation Curves

(c) Results from HI mapping

(d) Dark Matter Halo Structure

(e) Disk-Halo Conspiracy


(7) Spiral and Bar Structures

(a) Spirals

(b) Bars