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ASR 910

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics
ASR 910
(click to enlarge: 800·600px = 64 kByte)

Figure 1: Mounting of an ASR 910 antenna

frequency: S-Band
pulse repetition time (PRT): ca. 952 µs
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): ca. 1050 pps (staggered)
pulsewidth (τ): 2·1 Microseconds
receive time: 801.5 µs
dead time: 150 µs
peak power: 2·500 kW
average power: 2·525 W
instrumented range: 60 NM
range resolution: 450 ft
beamwidth: 1.55°
hits per scan: 20
antenna rotation: 4.2 s

ASR 910

The Air Surveillance Radar ASR 910 is the German fixed-site installation of the AN/TPN-24 airfield surveillance radar used for the air traffic control. This radar is built up on the top of a high tower normally. It gives the air traffic controllers a summary of the airplanes being in airfield proximity. An integrated secondary surveillance radar gives additional information, like flight number and height, upon request. The targets will transfer into the air control center and be able to be displayed on several monitors. The ASR 910 transmittes two interleaved pulses (Frequency Diversity) with a frequency spacing of 74 Megahertzes in the S-Band.

Its digital moving target indikation system (a wired logic with discrete shift registers and adders) works in accordance with the Doppler effect and can compensate interferences by weather clutter areas also.

An in the scopes integrated Video Mapper generates additional information which can be shown on the screen.

Picture gallery of ASR 910

Figure 2: the controllers scope

Shelter innen

Figure 3: the Shelter with
the maintenance- scope

View of an open transmitter with the magnetron

Figure 4: View of an open transmitter with the magnetron

View of an open transmitter with the receiver blocks

Figure 5: The receiver blocks