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ART Midrange High-Resolution Ground Surveillance Radar

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: ART Midrange PSR in a standalone configuration.
(Courtesy of ART, © 2013 ART)

frequency: KU-Band
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): (FMCW Radar)
average power:
instrumented range: 5000 m
range resolution: 0.2 to 1 m
antenna rotation: 60 rpm

ART Midrange High-Resolution Ground Surveillance Radar

ART Midrange is a high-resolution Perimeter Surveillance Radar (PSR) system designed to address the demands of the Security and Defense market in two key applications: unregulated border surveillance and critical infrastructure protection.

With 360° continuous detection up to a range of 5000 meters, the ART Midrange High-Resolution Ground Surveillance Radar is the perfect solution for 24/7 surveillance of wide areas. Multiple sensors can be networked back to the radar system, with distributed architecture for complete coverage.

Picture gallery of ART Midrange PSR

Figure 2: Perimeter Surveillance Radar coupled with “slew-and-cue” electronic camera.
(Courtesy of ART, © 2013 ART)

Figure 3: ART Midrange PSR
(Courtesy of ART, © 2013 ART)

Figure 4: Preview of ART Midrange Product Brief

Figure 5: Screenshot of a Videostream on Youtube Empfehlung