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RTN-10X „Orion“

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: RTN-10X „Orion“, MM/SPG-70
(© 2014 www.naval.com.br)

Figure 1: RTN-10X „Orion“, MM/SPG-70
(© 2014 www.naval.com.br)

frequency: I-Band)
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF):
pulsewidth (τ):
receive time:
dead time:
peak power:
average power:
instrumented range: 40 km
range resolution:
hits per scan:
antenna rotation:

RTN-10X „Orion“

The RTN-10X „Orion“ alias MM/SPG-70 (MM stands for Marina Militare, a nomenclature for the Italian Navy, similar to the US-Army/Navy's nomenclature AN/…) is an operating in I-Band tracking and fire-control radar. In UK Royal Navy got this radar the designation Type 912.

The radar has two operating channels: pulse mode for target search and continuous wave mode for target illumination. The antenna is a slatted paraboloid reflector. It is based on a conical scan narrow beam antenna, with a tri-port feed and uses a magnetron with fast tuning capabilities.

RTN-10X „Orion“ used in conjunction with different fire-control systems to control gun and missile firings. It is suitable for installation on ships of any size from fast-attack craft upwards.

RTN-12X „Sirio“

RTN-12X „Sirio“ alias MM/SPG-73 is a stripped down variant of RTN-10X. It is a continuous wave radar specifically designed to act as a target illuminator for semi-active homing missiles. It uses the same antenna without the camera and without the breakthrough for the camera.