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Airfield Surveillance Radar ASR 3

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics
(click to enlarge: 330·440px = 31 kByte)

Bild 1: Antenna of the ASR 3 (© AEG Telefunken)

frequency: 2 700 - 2 900 MHz
pulse repetition time (PRT): 833 µs
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 1200 Hz
pulsewidth (τ): 0.833 µs
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 500 kW
average power: 500 W
instrumented range: 54 NM (≙ 100 km)
range resolution: 410 ft (1/16 NM)
beamwidth: 2.5 degrees
hits per scan:
antenna rotation: 25 rpm

Airfield Surveillance Radar ASR 3

The Antenna of the Airfield Surveillance Radar ASR 3 was presented on an exposition in Berlin in 1953. First international installation was on Airport Bombay (India) in 1961.

Plan position indicators (PPI's) with a cathode-ray-tube diameter of 10" were used with rotating deflection coils. Azimuth information was derived from servo control voltages. The radar was fitted with a Moving Target Indication (MTI) system using the Pulse-Pair Processing. As electrical delay lines of this length with a sufficient bandwidth and low attenuation were not available at that time, the echo signals were piezo-electrically transformed into acoustic signals. These acoustic signals passed through a mercury-column and then were piezo-electrically changed back into electric signals. By subtracting the signals from the delayed channel from the actual echo signals fixed targets are cancelled with a subclutter visibility of 15 up to 20 dB.

Picture gallery of ASR 3

Figure 2: ASR 3 Tower
at Airport Frankfurt (Main)
(© DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung)

Figure 3: ASR 3 Tower
at Airport Hamburg
(© DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung)