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P-14 “Tall King A”

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: “Tall King A”

frequency: 150 to 170 MHz
pulse repetition time (PRT): 5 or 10 milliseconds
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 100 or 200 Hz
pulsewidth (τ): 10 µs
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 700 to 900 kW
average power: 800 watts
instrumented range: 320 NM
range resolution: 0.8 nautical mile
beamwidth: 4°20' … 8°
hits per scan: >15
antenna rotation: 10 to 25 seconds (0 … 4 … 6 rpm.)

P-14 “Tall King A”

This antenna is something special with the measures (width:33 meters and height: 22 meters): a parabolic dish antenna for VHF frequencies. The technical data of this radar unit corresponded approximately to those of the P 12. The transmitter was, however, more efficient (Pi=700 kW). The maximum range was 600 km while the range resolution and the bearing resolution deteriorated.

A P-14 radar unit has got two main antennae. One antenna was built up stationarily as a working antenna. The other antenna was loaded on 36 trucks by the type URAL-375-D for a transportable use. The time for erecting of the antenna was about 50 hours.