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Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: Former installation in Berlin-Schoenefeld
(52° 21' 2.92" N   13° 32' 14.629" E)
© 1996 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, H.-J. Koch

Figure 1: Former installation in Berlin-Schoenefeld
(52° 21' 2.92" N   13° 32' 14.629" E)
© 1996 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, H.-J. Koch

frequency: 1 310 and 1 346 MHz
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): ≈1 kHz (5-fold staggered)
pulsewidth (τ): 1.2 µs
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 800 kW
average power: 900 W
instrumented range: 200 km
range resolution: 300 m
accuracy: 1°; range: 1% of the displays scale
beamwidth: 1.3°
hits per scan:
antenna rotation: 10 or 15 rpm


The Avia-D/Koren was an L-Band En-Route and Air-surveillance radar built in the former Comecon under participation of the former Soviet Union, Eastern Germany and Poland. The primary radar was a frequency diversity radar built by Unitra and PIT (both Poland), the secondary radar “Koren” (Kyrillic: « Корень », meaning: “root”) built in Soviet Union. The scopes and the operators workstations are built in Eastern Germany.

The first installation was in 1976 at the Airport Berlin-Schoenefeld, near the small village Rotberg. A modernization was carried out in 1986. This radar was operational until 1998.

Avia-D consists of four main components; antenna unit, transmitter unit, the receiver unit with the indicators, and the power unit. The antenna set was mounted on a tower of approx. 20 m height. The antenna has a parabolic reflector with dimensions of 12 m · 4 m. The transmitter used two magnetrons for pulsed RF-generation. The accuracy of the measured coordinates was 1 degree in azimuth, and a distance of 1 percent of the the displays maximum scale.[1]

Sources and ressorces:

  1. www.polot.net