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Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: AN/TPS-77 Antenna Group

Figure 1: AN/TPS-77 Antenna Group

frequency: 1,215 to 1,400 MHz
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF):
pulsewidth (τ): 51.2 µs (short range)
409.6 µs (long-range)
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 19.9 kW
average power: 3.6 kW
instrumented range: 5 to 250 NM (10 to 470 km)
range resolution:
hits per scan: 1 … 3
antenna rotation: 5, 6, 10, 12 rpm
MTBCF: > 2 000 h


The AN/TPS-77 (formerly known as the AN/TPS-117) is an L-Band, 3-D, tactical transportable long-range air surveillance radar. It is a mobile version of the AN/FPS-117. It features 80 percent commonality with the FPS-117.

The AN/TPS-77 uses an active electronically scanned array (AESA), to generate a number of pencil beams. The planar antenna is made up of 34 rows with 34 solid-state row transmit/receive (TR) modules into a single line replaceable unit (LRU) located on the antenna array and directly coupled to their antenna elements. These TR-modules are called Digital Array Row Transceiver (DART), and employs Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology to provide increased reliability, extend the service life of the radar, and reduce life-cycle costs. The exciter and final receiver are located in the platform electronics unit mounted at the base of the antenna itself.

The radar use a variety of interference rejection techniques. These include greater than 10  percent agile bandwidth, pulse-to-pulse frequency agility, low side-lobes, sidelobe blanking, MTI and constant false alarm rate processing, pseudo-random pulse repetition frequency, pseudo-random beam positioning, and a linear frequency-modulated waveform.

The processing equipment, along with customized operator interface and communications equipment, is located in a single ISO shelter. It can be operated remotely. The whole radar can be deployed in a single C-130 aircraft and by only two medium trucks.
