www.radartutorial.eu www.radartutorial.eu Card Index of Radar Sets - Airborne Radars


Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: RDY under test
(the four dipoles are used by IFF-Interrogator)

Figure 1: RDY under test
(the four dipoles are used by IFF-Interrogator)

frequency: X-Band
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): up to > 100 kHz
pulsewidth (τ):
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 4 kW
average power: 400 W
instrumented range: 120 km
range resolution:
hits per scan:
antenna rotation:


The RDY (French: Radar Doppler modele Y), or Radar Doppler Multi Target Radar (RDM) is an operating in X-Band multi-role and multifunction fire-control radar which provides the navigation and weapon systems with a multi-target capability. The radar can also be used for firing semi-active missiles. Development of the RDY radar began in 1984 by Thomson CSF and it was operational in 1996 for using in the Mirage 2000-5.

The RDY radar got a traveling wave tube transmitter. The RDY is equipped with a flat plate mechanically scanning antenna, which offers very low levels of secondary lobes.

The modernized version, RDY-2 has a 15% greater air-to-air range, an SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) mode that allows ground mapping with a resolution of less than one meter and refined moving ground target tracking. It has demonstrated it´s ability to detect, reliably, fighter size targets at 140 km.

The RDY-3 radar is the latest iteration of the RDM/RDY series of radars that have equipped Mirage fighters throughout their life. It provides improved SAR/GMTI modes for building a situational awareness of the ground and tracking targets. The RDY-3 radar is available with different antenna sizes for modernization of light and medium multi-role fighters such as the Mirage V, Mirage F1, Mirage 2000, Mig-29 and LCA/Tejas.

RC400 is a lower powered variant of the RDY-2. It uses a smaller antenna and has much less performance.