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Cymbeline FA 15

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: Cymbeline FA 15

Figure 1: Cymbeline FA 15

frequency: X-Band
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF):
pulsewidth (τ):
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 100 kW
average power:
instrumented range: 20 km
range resolution:
hits per scan:
antenna rotation:

Cymbeline FA 15

The Cymbeline FA 15 is a mortar detection, location and counter-battery artillery fire adjustment radar using a magnetron generator operating in X-Band. The antenna consists of a single curvature parabolic reflector illuminated from beneath by a triplecone Foster scanner. The system produces a pencil beam scanning in azimuth. The reflector folds down flat for transport.

A Cymbeline radar is predominantly solid-state, with the CRT, magnetron, and thyratron being the sole thermionic components. It can be located on the trailer of a tracked transport vehicle or on the stern of an armored vehicle, which makes it possible to move it to an ideal location for a given operation.

There were 3 main variants: