Fondamentaux de physique statistique
fonda-phys-statEntropy is not disorder : micro-state vs macro-state
Time, Structure and Fluctuations : the macroscopic and microscopic aspects of the second law of thermodynamics - Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Lecture, 1977éorie cinétique
théorie-cinétiqueBoltzmann equation (BTE) theoreméthode de Chapman-Enskogéthode_de_Chapman-EnskogMouvement Brownien et Réalité Moléculaire - Perrin, 1909
Équation de Boltzmann : c'est en introduisant l'hypothèse de **chaos moléculaire**, qui revient ici à dire qu'il n'y a pas de corrélation entre les vitesses entrantes de deux particules en collision, que //la flèche du temps apparait// et que l'on peut montrer que l'entropie augmente, c'est à dire que les systèmes vont vers l'équilibre. Mais cette non-corrélation n'est qu'apparente ! C'est seulement parce que la corrélation est suffisamment diluée et fine-grained qu'elle disparait à nos échelles.
Boltzmann avenged : observation of the non-damping oscillations of the breathing mode of a gaz hamonically trapped, predicted by Boltzmann
Thermodynamique classique à l'équilibre
thermo-class-eqThermodynamic equilibrium de thermo CPGE - Hubert de Haan et phénomènes irréversibles From Moonlight (Optics & Thermodynamics) versions de la 2nd loi
Transformation polytropiqueésumé CPGE : Bilan des grandeurs thermodyn. extensives
Entropy Confusion - Sixty Symbols
Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) de Mayer de Maxwell Physics And Mathematics Of The Second Law Of Thermodynamics - Lieb & Yngvason, 100p of the foundations of thermodynamics - Caratheodory, 1907 Carathéodory and the axiomatic thermodynamics - Pogliani & Berberan-Santos, 2000 are various conditions which might apply while a gas expands : 1. adiabatic (isentropic) expansion. Gas does work on its surroundings (pushing on the boundary as the boundary moves) so loses energy. No heat comes in. So internal energy goes down. Temperature goes down. 2. isothermal. Obviously the temperature does not change. This is because heat flows in while the gas does work in expanding. 3. constant enthalpy (Joule-Kelvin process, also known as throttling). The temperature may go up or down, depending on the initial conditions. 4. free expansion (expansion into vacuum). This is a process at constant internal energy. Temperature of an ideal gas stays constant, temperature of a real gas falls a little. This is because the molecules attract one another so as they move apart they gain potential energy. But no energy has come in so they must lose kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is directly related to the temperature.
Thermodynamique quantique à l'équilibre
thermodynamique-quantiqueRayonnement de corps noir
rayonnement-de-corps-noirA Brief History Of The T⁴ Radiation Law
Planck (1900), Improvement of Wien's Law
Planck (1900), On the Theory of the Energy Distribution Law of the Normal Spectrum
Planck (1901), On the Law of the Energy Distribution in the Normal Spectrum
How does a continuous black-body spectrum emerges from discrete energy gases (blog) gases: The transition from line spectra to thermal radiation - Vollmer 2005 (contains a critical error, but the general idea is well explained)
Comment on "Hot gases: The transition from line spectra to thermal radiation" + correct derivation of the emergence of black-body spectrum from gases - Nauenberg, 2007
Thermodynamique hors d'équilibre, Transport
thermo-hors-eqDissipative system phénoménologiques élémentaires du transport
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics theorem equality statistique hors d'équilibre'équilibreLa physique statistique hors d'équilibre - Kirone Mallick (1h08) physique hors équilibre - Leticia Cugliandolo (56min)éorie de la réponse linéaireéorie_de_la_réponse_linéaireFluctuation-dissipation theorem de Darcyéorie de la turbulence
turbulenceTurbulence Frisch - Turbulence: The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov
Observation de stuctures de basse pression intermittentes dans un écoulement turbulent, Pour la Science Avril 96
Reynolds decomposition des réseaux, systèmes complexes et aléatoires
statistique-des-réseaux-systèmes-complexes-et-aléatoiresQuantum graph graphs: Applications to quantum chaos anduniversal spectral statistics [2006 Review]
Experimental simulation of quantum graphs by microwave networks (showing GOE and GUE statistics if time-reversal symmetric or not) - Hul, 2004
Nonuniversality in the spectral properties of time-reversal-invariant microwavenetworks and quantum graphs - Dietz 2017
Perfect absorption in complex scattering systemswith or without hidden symmetries : demonstation of coherent perfect absorption (CPA) in microwave networks, with or without time-reversal symmetry (could be used for wireless power transfer)
From Microphysics to Macrophysics, Vol. 1 - Roger Balian
From Microphysics to Macrophysics, Vol. 1 - Roger Balian (orig. pdf)
From Microphysics to Macrophysics, Vol. 2 - Roger Balian
From Microphysics to Macrophysics, Vol. 2 - Roger Balian (orig. pdf)
Cours de Mécanique Statistique (ensembles,thermo,quant) - Université de Genève, Ruth Durrer, 2016
L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz (1980). Statistical Physics. Vol. 5 (3rd ed.) Part 1
L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz (1980). Statistical Physics. Vol. 5 (3rd ed.) Part 2
E.M. Lifshitz, L.P. Pitaevskii (1981). Physical Kinetics. Vol. 10 (1st ed.)
Physique statistique - Christophe Texier
Cours de physique de Berkeley 5 - Physique statistique (Dunod, 1994)
Statistical Mechanics Made Simple - A Guide for Students and Researchers - Daniel C. Mattis
Spin ice Dirigés de Physique Statistique, L3 Phys Fonda Orsay, Texier
Transition Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless