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LPI 2000

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: GEM Elettronica LPI-2000 Radar

Figure 1: GEM Elettronica LPI-2000 Radar

frequency: X-Band
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 350 to 2500 Hz
pulsewidth (τ): 0.05 to 93 μs
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 50 W or 100 W
average power: 9,5 W (pulsed),
down to 0,25 W (FMCW)
instrumented range:
range resolution: 15 … 30 m
beamwidth: 1.2°, 1.05°, 0.85°, or 0.65°
hits per scan:
antenna rotation: 22 rpm. (IMO mode),
11 rpm (SEARCH mode)

LPI 2000

LPI-2000 is the designation for an X-Band Low-Probability of Intercept radar of the Italian company GEM Electtronica. It is a primarily pulsed radar but it ca reduce its transmitted power down to an FMCW-level, that make it difficult to detect. It features fully coherent solid-state technology, low and medium range high-resolution, ESM compatibility, sector blanking, and a rugged console. The LPI-2000 utilizes a linear and nonlinear chirp FMCW waveform. The radarsignalprocessor implements digital pulse compression and frequency sampling.

The LPI-2000 is in use e.g. in the Turkish navy.
