Méthodologie : Énoncer la physique
http://carnetsdescience.xyz/enoncer_la_physique.htmlList of unsolved problems in physics
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unsolved_problems_in_physicsThe Paraffin Paradox : Example of scientific method
Probably a discovery: Bad mathematics means rough scientific communication
The Bayesian Trap - Veritasium
Monsieur Phi - La loi de Bayes (où comment l'appliquer sans effort en 3 étapes intuitives)
L’inconfortable effort de penser - Veritasium
Redefinition of SI : Impact on base unit definitions
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proposed_redefinition_of_SI_base_units#Impact_on_base_unit_definitionsHow We're Redefining the kg (Watt balance) - Veritasium
Terry Tao, sujets vastes sur les maths; Enseignement
https://terrytao.wordpress.comVeritasium - Is Most Published Research Wrong?
Portrait du mathématicien Jean-Marie Souriau par JPP
https://www.jp-petit.org/science/gal_port/souriau.htmArchives Grothendieck
https://grothendieck.umontpellier.frMathematics: Beauty vs Utility
3B1B : What does it feel like to invent math?
Présentation vulgarisée des travaux de JPP
http://www.jp-petit.org/science/arxiv/presentation_vulgarisee.htmMisconceptions About the Universe - Veritasium
Alexandre Grothendieck : Allons-nous continuer la recherche scientifique? (CERN, 27/01/1972)
https://archive.org/details/AlexandreGrothendieck-UneVieDigneDtreVcueMath vs Physics - Numberphile
Bill Gosper
http://gosper.org/bill.htmlProposed (dis)proofs of the Riemann Hypothesis
http://empslocal.ex.ac.uk/people/staff/mrwatkin//zeta/RHproofs.htmLa meilleure et la pire des erreurs de Poincaré - Villani - Poincaré et les maths, la stabilité du sys. solaire, les probabilités et la phys. stat
https://www.apmep.fr/IMG/pdf/503_Villani-Metz.pdfInintuitivité des lois physiques, relativiste et populisme scientifique - Etienne Klein
La notion de vide - Etienne Klein
Torricelli et le baromètre
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelista_Torricelli#Torricelli_et_le_baromètre_(1644)On Proof And Progress In Mathematics (social processes, theories, knowledge not captured by formal communication…) - William P. Thurston
https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/9404236.pdfChronologie des expériences cruciales en physique quantique, Bobroff - La conversation scientifique
https://media.radiofrance-podcast.net/podcast09/13957-23.02.2019-ITEMA_21990622-0.mp3Style de pensée scientifique ? Un détour par Duhem et Hardwood – L'Indécise
http://indecise.hypotheses.org/729 Tips/Hard Truths when considering a Career in Physics
Lessons from the Windmill problem - 3B1B
Comment : How science has shifted our sense of identity - From Darwinism to Genomics, Eugenics, Scientism…
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03014-4Which Planet is the Closest ? Asking the right question - CGP Grey
Que font les thésards en maths de leurs journées ?
https://desfontain.es/blog/que-font-les-thesards-en-maths.htmlLa thèse chez moi (ou : mes premières méthodes de travail)
http://hauteresolution.net/blog/articles/la-these-chez-moi-ou-mes-premieres-methodes-de-travail/11/Polymath Projects Wiki
http://michaelnielsen.org/polymath1/Success is Luck and Hard Work - Veritasium
James Burke BBC Connections, Ep. 1 "The Trigger Effect"
James Burke BBC Connections, Ep. 2 "Death in the Morning"
James Burke BBC Connections, Ep. 3 "Distant Voices"
James Burke BBC Connections, Ep. 4 "Faith in Numbers"
James Burke BBC Connections, Ep. 5 "The Wheel of Fortune"
James Burke BBC Connections, Ep. 6 "Thunder in the Skies"
Lynn Margulis: Science's Unruly Earth Mother - 1991
Alice, Bob, and the average shadow of a cube. Two mindsets to solve a seemingly complicated problem. - 3Blue1Brown
Interview with the Pope's Astronomer : science and religion, seeking the Truth, how people may get science or religion wrong... - Sixty Symbols
Stephen Hawking : « LA PHILOSOPHIE EST MORTE » | Sciences vs. Philosophie - Monsieur Phi
The man who tried to fake an element - The history of the race for heavy synthetic elements, and the fraud of Victor Ninov (element 118) - BobbyBroccoli
Le bias de la cause unique (La théorie la plus stupide sur la chute de Rome) - DirtyBiology