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Type 85

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: Type 85

Figure 1: Type 85

frequency: S-Band
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 250 Hz
pulsewidth (τ): 10 µs
receive time:
dead time:
peak power: 8 MW
average power:
instrumented range:
range resolution:
beamwidth: 0.5°
hits per scan:
antenna rotation: 4 min-1

Type 85

The AMES Type 85 was an operating in S-Band long-range volumetric scan radar with 12 overlapping 1° vertical stacked beams. The radar was known as “Blue Yeoman” during development and was designed to “burn through” EW jamming.

The transmitter block used twelve liquid cooled klystron transmitters that each produced a peak power of 4.5 MW. In non jamming conditions only four transmitters were used, two operating as frequency diversity radar, the both others in stand-by for redundance. The transmitted pulse with a length of 10 microseconds was intrapulse modulated.

Picture gallery of AMES Type 85

Figure 2: OPS-hall