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Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics
Precision Approach Radar PAR 80
(click to enlarge: 480·640px = 67 kByte)

Figure 1: Opened racks of the manufacturers reference set

frequency: I-Band
pulse repetition time (PRT): 290 Microseconds
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 3450 Hertzes
pulsewidth (τ): 0.24 Microseconds
receive time: 250 Microseconds
dead time: 40 Microseconds
peak power: 180 Kilowatts
average power: 124 Watts
instrumented range: 20 NM
range resolution: 100 feets
beamwidth: 1.1 Degrees
hits per scan:
antenna rotation:


The Precision Approach Radar PAR-80 is the successor of the AN/FPN-36. This ATC-radar is installed directly next the runway and supports the controller during the last step of the approach. The landing aircraft an an ideal glide path is displayed on the Beta-Scan Scope. If the position of the landing aircraft diverge from the ideal glide path then the controller gives the pilot the order to correct the position.

The PAR-80 works with a frequency scanning phased array antenna. The beam ist electronically steared in the horizontal plane and the whole array swivels vertically with help of an elliptical gearbox. Most of the parts are provided twice for a better redundance.

The radar must be checked by a periodical flight-check with high requirements on the precision.

There is an upgrade available, designed to overcome the drawbacks of the old Beta-Scan-scope. The degradation of visibility on the old CRT displays, makes it difficult to see the targets through a lot of clutter, while a lot of components become obsolete and the maintenance increases. This upgrade replaces the displays and video processor and controls the radar via software.

Picture gallery of PAR 80

Figure 2: Upgrade of the Beta Scan Scope, © 2009 Intersoft Electronics

Figure 3: The older one scope with the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) during Maintenance