Overleaf rapport
https://www.overleaf.com/13485316gtvqqqkxxpqcDressing up a Reissner naked singularity (1) - Damour
On Quantum Resonances in Stationary Geometries (2) - Damour, Deruelle, Ruffini
Quantum and Classical Relativistic Energy States in Stationary Geometries (3) - Deruelle, Ruffini
Klein Paradox in a Kerr Geometry (4) - Deruelle, Ruffini
Instabilities of Massive Scalar Perturbations of a Rotating Black Hole (5) - Zouros, Eardley
A Primer for Black Hole Quantum Physics - Brout, Massar, Parentani, Spindel
https://arxiv.org/pdf/0710.4345.pdfA Possible Failure of Determinism in General Relativity - Reall
Motion of charged particle in Reissner-Nordström spacetime: A Jacobi metric approach
Motion of a Test Particle in the Reissner-Nordström Spacetime - Hong
General classification of charged test particle circular orbits in Reissner–Nordström spacetime - Pugliese, Quevedo, Ruffini
Singularity Avoidance of Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordström Black Holes in Loop Quantum Gravity - Thèse, Taslimitehrani
Reissner–Nordström metric
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reissner–Nordström_metricCan any object pass into the event horizon of a black hole and then escape? - Physics Stack Exchange
https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/304750/can-any-object-pass-into-the-event-horizon-of-a-black-hole-and-then-escapeBlack Holes from A to Z - Strominger, 2015, 66p
Radial charged particle trajectories in the extended Reissner-Nordström manifold - Finley
Classics Illustrated : Limits of Spacetimes - Bengtsson, Holst, Jakobsson - À lire pour le passage à la limite Q=M
The Reissner–Nordström geometry: charged black holes - Bland, Sarr, Büchl (extrait)
Extended Space-Times, Causal Structure and Penrose Diagrams - P.G. Frè, Gravity, a Geometrical Course (extrait)
Système d'unités géométriques
https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Système_d'unités_géométriquesLecture XXV: Reissner-Nordstrøm black holes - Hirata, Caltech |=> pas mal de trucs sur les trajectoires
http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~chirata/ph236/2011-12/lec25.pdfGeodesics of electrically and magnetically charged test particles in the Reissner-Nordström space-time: Analytical solutions - Grunau & Kagramanova
Journey into a realistic black hole + Explanation of RN BH inflationary mass instability @ inner horizon
https://jila.colorado.edu/~ajsh/insidebh/realistic.htmlA Black Hole is a Waterfall of Space
https://jila.colorado.edu/~ajsh/insidebh/waterfall.htmlStatic Orbits (and static rings) in Rotating Spacetimes
Klein-Gordon et Dirac en physique quantique relativiste
http://daniel.farquet.com/wp-content/uploads/Physique_quantique_relativiste.pdfQuasinormal mode
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasinormal_modeDynamical instabilities and quasi-normal modes, a spectral analysis with applications to black-hole physics - Coutant, Michel, Parentani
The Quantum Mechanics of a Test Particle in a Reissner-Nordström Background - Di Vecchia, Liccardo (extrait)
Quasinormal Modes and Strong Cosmic Censorship - Cardoso et al.
Quasi-Normal Modes of Stars and Black Holes - Kokkotas
WKB slides (explication sur la reconnection avec Airy)
http://www.rpi.edu/dept/phys/Courses/phys410/lct8.pdfQuantum Field Theory: a tourist guide for mathematicians - Gerald B. Folland, 2008, 325p, AMS
Mise au propre Klein-Gordon -> ansatz -> équation différentielle radiale
Justifier que les coords (r,t) ne posent pas problème dans l'équation différentielle et justifier la régularité de l'ansatz
Voir comment on peut (mais pas faire) passer d'un sys de coords à l'autre à ce stade, voir ce que ça pourrait apporter
Résolution numérique pour différents paramètres, voir les différents cas (bound/scattering states)
Faire le parallèle avec le classique au niveau des paramètres
WKB bound states -> zones class. interdites, near turning points, away from turning points
WKB bound states : étude des matching conditions (tjrs possible ?), conservation de la norme, stabilité
WKB scattering states -> coeffs de transmission, amplification, stabilité
Redemander à Parentani pour les modes instables et pour la suite
Diagramme des types de modes
Black Hole evaporation in the Klein-Sauter-Heisenberg-Euler formalism
Trous noirs et superradiance