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History of Traveling Wave Tubes

Figure 1: Physical construction of a TWT: ① Electron gun; ② Surrounding magnet; ③ Slow wave structure (here: Helix); ④ Collector;

Figure 1: Physical construction of a TWT: ① Electron gun; ② Surrounding magnet; ③ Slow wave structure (here: Helix); ④ Collector;

History of Traveling Wave Tubes

Traveling wave tubes are widely used in radar systems and in space communications. The following milestones are significant in the context of the history and development of traveling wave tubes:

Figure 2: Lindenblad's traveling wave amplifier, named to as “Inductive Output Tube”

Figure 2: Lindenblad's traveling wave amplifier, named to as “Inductive Output Tube”

Sources and ressorces:

  1. Andrew V Haeff, Patent US 2064469, “Device for and method of controlling high frequency currents” (patents.google.com)
  2. Nils E. Lindenblad, Patent US 2578434, “High-frequency electron discharge device of the traveling wave type” (patents.google.com)
  3. John R. Pierce, US Patent 2602148, “High-frequency amplifier” (archive.org)