Radar J- Scope

pulse of the transmitted power
pulse of the transmitted power
Figure 1: Difference between the A-scope and J-scope

pulse of the transmitted power
pulse of the transmitted power
Figure 1: Difference between the A-scope and J-scope
Radar J- Scope
The J-Scope (also-called circular sweep scope) uses deflection modulation like the A-scope. The difference between the two kinds of scopes is that the A-scope uses a linear deflection, and the J-scope uses a circular deflection. This provides a better resolution on the screen by using the same screen-size.
The deflection begins top at the screen and shows a pulse caused by the transmitter, the so-called “Senderzacken”. Then the deflection drifts clockwise and the next pulse is the echo-signal. A scale is engraved at the screen for measuring the range.
Picture gallery of J-scopes

Figure 3: J-scope as used in the German airborne WW2- radar FuG 212