www.radartutorial.eu www.radartutorial.eu Radar Basics

Appendix: “Explanation of Radar Terms”

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Figure 1: Preview of internet representation

noise level
3 dB

Figure 2: Definition of the Minimum Descernible Signal (MDS)

noise level
3 dB

Figure 1: Definition of the Minimum Descernible Signal (MDS)

Special Radar terms are described discontiguous in this annex.

Angel echoes · Antenna Pattern · Average Power/ Pulse Power · Cone of Silence · Coordinate Systems · Decibel · Definition of the Reflectivity · Doppler-Dilemma · Empfängerdynamik · English and US units and its relationship zu the metric units · False Alarm Rate · Fluktuation Loss · Free-Space Path Loss (FSPL) · Height vs. Altitude · Interference · Interlace-Modus · Inverse Cosecant Square Antenna Pattern · Isotropic Radiation · LIDAR · Metric Measurements · MMIC- Technology · Multipath Height Finding Method · Nahfeld/Fernfeld einer Antenne · Noise · Offset Antennae · Pencil Beam Antennae · Probability of Detection · PRT/PRF · Pulse Integration · Pythagoras · Quasi- optically Sight · Radar Cross-Section · Radar Kilometer/Radar Nautical Mile · Radial Speed · Radio Altimeter · Rayleigh- vs. Mie- Ssattering · Reflector Irregularities · ROSA-PC · Scatterometer · Sensitivity (MDS) · Slant Range · Subclutter visibility · Sun-Strobe-Recording · Topfkreis · Typical Search Radar Loss Budget · UWB- Radar · V-Beam · Velocity-modulated Tubes · Weighting · What is an Oktave? ·